Author Monthly Blog Post – Anne Barwell – Finishing a series

It’s always sad finishing a series, particularly one that has been with you for years. My sale book this month, Comes a Horseman, is the third and final book in my WWII Echoes Rising trilogy, and although its now been out a while, it still holds a special month in my heart.

I began writing this series because I wanted to read a WWII set drama featuring gay characters, and I couldn’t find one. Of course, there are, thankfully, a lot more out there now. It was a dangerous time for everyone, and I wanted a plot that would hook into the war effort, with plenty of action and angst.

I also made the decision to make this a series with multiple perspectives, and a diverse cast in both sexuality and nationality.

Book 1, Shadowboxing, is the set up, where the characters meet, and players find their place on the board, with a few surprises along the way.

Book 2, Winter Duet, is a road trip across war-torn Germany, often at ground zero with the bombing, to show the reality of war.

And Book 3, Comes a Horseman, is set in France, with events coming to their conclusion on D-Day, and a HEA that fits the time period.

I still miss these characters, but their story is done, and I don’t want to tweak their lives any further as they’ve been through enough. But, in saying that, one of them occasionally makes noises about being a supporting character in an historical mystery/detective. If I ever get time to write it, we’ll see.

#WWII #action #drama #spies #diversecharacters #foundfamily #hurtcomfort #mmromance #kindleunlimited

Comes a Horseman
Echoes Rising
Book 3

Rainbow Awards Runner Up Best Historical/Best Book

What if those who stand by you are the ones who betray you?

France, 1944

Sometimes the most desperate struggles take place far from the battlefield, and what happens in secret can change the course of history.

Victory is close at hand, but freedom remains frustratingly just beyond the grasp of German physicist Dr Kristopher Lehrer, Resistance fighter Michel, and the remaining members of the team sent by the Allies—Captain Matt Bryant, Sergeant Ken Lowe, and Dr Zhou Liang—as they fight to keep the atomic plans from the Nazis. The team reaches France and connects with members of Michel’s French Resistance cell in Normandy. Allied troops are poised to liberate France, and rescue is supposedly at hand. However, Kristopher is no longer sure the information he carries in his memory is safe with either side.

When Standartenführer Holm and his men finally catch up with their prey, the team is left with few options. With a traitor in their midst, who can they trust? Kristopher must become something he is not in order to save the man he loves. Death is biding his time, and sacrifices must be made for any of them to have the futures they want.

Author’s note: This is the second edition of Comes a Horseman. The first edition was released by another publishing house. This story has been re-edited, and uses UK spelling to reflect its setting.

Universal Link | Paperback | Series Link

Until next time!

Meantime you can catch up with me in my readers group and/or signing up for my newsletter. Elizabeth Noble and I also have a Facebook group for our paranormal shared world, The Sleepless City and website .

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  1. Love Bytes Monthly Blog Post – Finishing a Series | Drops of Ink

    […] My monthly blog post over at Love Bytes Reviews this month is about finishing a series. You can read it here […]

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