Hoo-boy! In the past month I’ve 1. Had a new book release; 2. Driven to Oregon, back to California, and to Oregon again (I’m heading back to California this week.); 3. Empty-nested and helped my younger kid settle into her first apartment; 4. Prepared to semi-retire (in one week!!); 5. Looked at a bunch of potential houses to move to; 6. Met up with family and old friends; 7. Taught a class; 8. Prepped for my fall classes; 9. Started co-writing a new story.
I’m kind of exhausted. I mean, most of these things were very good and most were fun, but they’ve consumed a lot of energy. I’ve had almost zero time to write. This is a little frustrating because I have a bunch of stories I’m dying to tell. I keep promising myself that SOON I will once again be able to have a close relationship with my laptop. I can feel my muse stamping her foot impatiently.
How do you handle life when you feel overextended?
Kim Fielding is the bestselling author of numerous m/m romance novels, novellas, and short stories. Like Kim herself, her work is eclectic, spanning genres such as contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, and historical. Her stories are set in alternate worlds, in 15th century Bosnia, in modern-day Oregon. Her heroes are hipster architect werewolves, housekeepers, maimed giants, and conflicted graduate students. They’re usually flawed, they often encounter terrible obstacles, but they always find love.
After having migrated back and forth across the western two-thirds of the United States, Kim calls the boring part of California home. She lives there with her family and her day job as a university professor, but escapes as often as possible via car, train, plane, or boat. This may explain why her characters often seem to be in transit as well. She dreams of traveling and writing full-time.
Follow Kim:
Website: http://www.kfieldingwrites.com/
Facebook: http://facebook.com/KFieldingWrites
Twitter: @KFieldingWrites
Email: Kim@KFieldingWrites.com
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bau3S9
A complete list of Kim’s books: http://www.kfieldingwrites.com/books/
Overextended is my perpetual state. I lost control sometime in 2005 when I had two deaths in the family within 5 months. I’ve never recovered balance. LOL! I figure it’ll be that way until I can retire so I’ve stopped worrying about it.