2 Responses

  1. Thea Nishimori
    Thea Nishimori at |

    I’ve been chewing on this a lot too! So far all but one of my story ideas are firmly set in the “good ol’ days” before Covid shut down the world, but I have one that will work if I set it at the beginning of the pandemic spread (in fact it’ll work better when Boy A goes to live with Boy B’s family because his mom is a nurse and doesn’t want to bring it home to him). But as far as the ugliness of the past 4 years of the U.S. political scene, I think it’s best to blot it out as a traumatic memory. When I go to read fiction, I’m definitely looking for escapism, so it would probably be too much angst to relive any part of this past administration. Any good changes from the new administration, though, could be celebrated with a silent-but-implied middle finger raised to he-who-shall-not-be-named. Just my two cents! 🙂


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