July is National Culinary Arts Appreciation Month!

Food is our common ground, a universal experience. Food brings everyone together.

It was while watching an episode of the latest season of Queer Eye that the idea for this month’s blog post was born. Antoni and Terek, cooking crab boil and chatting and a comment was made along the lines of “food is the universal language that brings everything together.” and I couldn’t agree more. I know many families only come together at the Holidays or for birthdays and other similar special occasions, and what’s the common denominator? Food. Especially where we are in the world right now, being quarantined or sheltering at home, and with many people working from home. A lot of you are probably working through the various streaming services to chip away at that watch list and/or blowing through your TBR piles that previously, probably reached the heavens. Still, there’s something that we all have to do everyday… we have to cook and we have to eat. I know my family has been eating at the dinner table at least once week these past few months where as, in the past, it was maybe once a month but generally reserved for Holidays. Conversations are being had without cell phones or internet and it’s a truly wonderful thing.

So, it got me to thinking, why not feature some of our favorite gay romance Authors that have written books/series featuring Chefs, Bakers, Food vendors and the like. I’m also doing a giveaway this month, a $25 giftcard for Doordash, Grubhub or similar (any food delivery service that delivers to the winner’s area). I’ve read all of these books and thoroughly enjoyed them aside from His Horizon, this one is a new release, but it’s on my wishlist!

His Horizon: A His MM Novel by Con Riley

A Taste of Love: Taste of Love series by Andrew Grey

Rules of the Chef: Southern Charm series by Nicole Dennis

Cupcakes by Sean Michael

Souffles at Sunrise: Just Desserts series by MJ O’Shea and Anna Martin

Let’s celebrate Culinary Arts month by recognizing some of our own that created some amazing stories and unforgettable characters by grabbing one, or more, of these titles and curling up with a glass of wine, some of those leftovers you cooked last night for dinner and a fantastic read. And be sure to leave a comment on this post to be entered into the food delivery giftcard giveaway. Winner to be chosen by random.dot.org at the end of July.

And now for my shameless Author plug! Have you read my All Cocks stories series? Did you know that I rebranded? It’s now Stories from the Sound, The All Cocks Stories and I’m slowly going back and revising each book. There’s fresh edits and new content for book 1 & 2 so far, with more of the same to come for the other books in the series. If you haven’t read them, you should! Available right now exclusively from Amazon and Free with KU. Books 1 through 5 are also available on Audible.

Stories from the Sound (the All Cocks stories) books 1-5 now available!
“Amazing, Sexy, HOT series!”
“This series has a little bit of everything. Angst, heat, couples, throuples and you always get a happy ever after at the end!”
“Great characters that you can connect with plus an intriguing plot equals an excellent story.”
See you guys next month!


7 Responses

  1. Jennifer Holmes
    Jennifer Holmes at |

    Food IS the universal language. Thank you for adding to my TBR.

  2. Jamie Lynn Miller
    Jamie Lynn Miller at |

    Couldn’t agree more! My husband and I actually bonded over food when we first started dating. 😊

  3. Cathy Brockman
    Cathy Brockman at |

    I agree. We use to have family dinners once a week though that has gone to the wayside right now because of family issues, but maybe soon. ( don’t enter me… I dont think there is a food service that delivers in my area lol)

  4. Sheryl Ignacio-Manio
    Sheryl Ignacio-Manio at |

    July is my birthday month too. That’s why I live food too much! Haha. I’m putting all these books on my TBR. Of course I’ve read all your books Tammy.

  5. kp
    kp at |

    Thanks for the chance!

  6. Michelle H.
    Michelle H. at |

    Thanks for the chance… I love it when *other people* cook. 😉


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