2 Responses

  1. 16forward
    16forward at |

    My husband is a golfer…so having him around 24/7 is an adjustment…along with the whole…put on gloves, mask, find disinfectant wipes, spray the door handles and steering wheel with Lysol and add toilet paper to the shopping list once again…even before we get out the door!

    I’ve been decluttering…tubs and boxes of letters, clippings, photos and papers from family members 30+ years in education. Some make me laugh, some make me cry and some I share with family members via photos attached to messages. I even have a stack started for each child on the dining room table. Under the table are the donations I’m collecting, so as soon as the centers open again, they’ll be someone else’s treasure.

    Recipes! I’m with you. I’ve gone through the pantry and pulled out ingredients I’ve had forever. I don’t even know what recipe they went with originally. Should be having some interesting meals in the future.

    The best thing is that I have been reading more ARC’s than ever and posting reviews on multiple sites. Escaping into other worlds, lives and genres makes this ‘sci fi’ I’m living in more bearable.

    Take care of yourself and take comfort in the fact that the words will come when they’re ready. Your readers will be there and welcome you back with open hearts and wide-flung arms.

    Deep breaths and sitting in the sun help too!

  2. Carole-Ann
    Carole-Ann at |

    Like you, my way of living hasn’t changed much – having a 2nd hand book shop means my ‘customers’ are few. With lockdown, it really hasn’t made much difference – I get phone calls and e-mails from regulars ordering books, and although the quantity is less, the business is still ticking over.

    Personally I’m ploughing through my TBR list at a rate of knots 🙂 and trying to keep up on GoodReads is a chore.

    I’ve also resurrected my old hobbies of jigsaws, and building cardboard models (usually the smashing children’s ones produced by Usborne)

    I’m an introvert (duh!) and do not miss having to make polite conversation with anyone – but I still call my 3 daughters each week as normal. I’m also quite at ease being on my own and can always find something to do!

    I’m being positive, and since I’m in that “at risk” category, I’m also very careful when I go outside.

    Take care of yourselves; there are readers like me waiting avidly for any new stories 🙂


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