21 Responses

  1. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    I remember reading Enid Blyton’s Famous Five, Nancy Drew, The Three Investigators as a child/early teen then I moved on to more adult books. I had a mad passion for Alistair MacLean’s stories specially the ones revolving around WWII.
    My next passion was PNR MF books – I have read most of the Anita Blake books a MINIMUM of 10 times each…with some of the books getting a massive workout having been read closer to 100 times each! (my daughter would be able to verify this lol)
    Then I found MM books…and OMG they are EVERYTHING to me!
    I still adore PNR most but I also love urban fantasy, high fantasy, sci-fi, military, BDSM, law enforcement, MMM+,suspense, dark erotica….if it it’s MM there is a good chance I’ll read it

  2. Nell Iris
    Nell Iris at |

    Books have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My mother was very ill when I was little, she had (still has) severe asthma and never had the energy to play with me. So to keep me entertained, she taught me how to read and write at a very young age so I remember me reading to HER when I was little. Ever since then, I’ve read obsessively.

  3. AngelaVR
    AngelaVR at |

    I love books and they have been a hugh part of my life. When i was a child i was often found in the library and me and my older sister use to help the librarian by putting books away etc. I just love to read and escape real life for a few hours 🙂

  4. Debra Guyette
    Debra Guyette at |

    I found a smutty romance when I was away for a Rainbow Girl’s Convention. We all read it and my curiosity was piqued.

  5. JenCW
    JenCW at |

    I can remember reading books as a young child. I still remember some of the early teader books I had and loved.

  6. Nephy Hart Author
    Nephy Hart Author at |

    Books have been a huge part of my life. I’ve read from a very early age. Being autistic, I’ve been quite isolated and books were my refuge from the very start. My family were resistant to my reading, constantly nagging to “do something with my time” never understanding there was never anything better I could do. The earliest book I can rememer reading was the Enid Blyton Faraway Tree, and Wishing Chair series. I also have fond memories of Susan Cooper and the Dark Is Rising series (I was into dark even then :D) and Ann McCaffrey’s Pern series.When I was 16 I discovered Storm Constantine and fell in love with her Wreuthu. That’s where I got my first taste of m/m (kind of)

  7. Ana
    Ana at |

    I remember being 5 years old, going into a bookstore and falling in love with the smell of books. Loved it and reading ever since.

  8. dianes13
    dianes13 at |

    I was given a couple of Nancy Drew books for Christmas, and that started it all. Read MF for years, until the heroines became TSTL. Had a recommendation from Amazon for JL Langley’s ‘My Fair Captain’, and that was it. MM Romance for Life Now!

  9. Jodi Marinich
    Jodi Marinich at |

    my love of reading started as a young adult reading judy blume. I devoured her books and still enjoy re-reading them to this day

  10. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I read quite a bit of books when I was young. My family didn’t like us watching too much tv and going to a library was a weekly thing. I remember reading the Bernstein Bears, Amelia Bedelia, Babysitter Club, etc. If I didn’t read there wasn’t anything really to do.

  11. Calvin
    Calvin at |

    For sure, I read a lot of detective series, as well as poem and picture books. I liked mysteries, and the fair share fairy tales. Helps with imagination even now.

  12. susana
    susana at |

    I’ve always loved books. My first memories are of my mum reading me fairy tales when I was a young kid. That’s where my love for fantasy comes from I guess. Then reading on my own under the blankets with a tiny light so that my sister wouldn’t complain….. teenage years discovering new writers, to the adult I am with a library of around one thousand paperbacks… I love books

  13. Jennifer S
    Jennifer S at |

    I learned how to read before I went to school and was always trying to read what my sister was reading, even though she was 3 grades above me. I loved going to the library and getting my books from the Scholastic orders through school.

  14. arella3173
    arella3173 at |

    oh man. I owe too much to authors and their stories than I can ever put into words. so, so much…
    there isn’t a specific book I can say that made this or that impact because simply, ALL the books I read helped me get to where I am today.

  15. errynbarratt
    errynbarratt at |

    My mother read to me as a child and nurtured my love of reading. I read voraciously, but I remember reading Gordon Korman books and laughing. So much laughter.

  16. Katy Beth McKee
    Katy Beth McKee at |

    Books have always been a part of my life. I spent hours reading growing up. Great way to escape now.

  17. bn100
    bn100 at |

    always liked reading

  18. ELF
    ELF at |

    I grew up as an only child, so my earliest friends were books. Money was tight, so I reread the ones I found in the house over and over…until I discovered the library!

  19. sherry1969
    sherry1969 at |

    I really didn’t start reading until I was in middle school. One of my friends would loan me her romance books and I loved them and have been reading ever since.

  20. Trix
    Trix at |

    I’ve been reading voraciously since early childhood, but discovered gay romance after college…

  21. heath0043
    heath0043 at |

    My mother used to read to me and that continued on with me loving to read. I have always loved reading and went through many fazes of different books I would read.


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