One Response

  1. 16forward
    16forward at |

    Luckily I’m retired so my time is my own…except for when my husband claims his share.
    Organize my bookshelf…First the beta reads I’ve committed to, then the ARC by date of release and then those I’ve chosen for myself. Usually by favorite author and then I mix up the genres.
    My desk is a constant source of stress…so I’ve learned to only have in front of me what I’m currently working on, I deal with mail immediately, shred or recycle what I don’t need, pay bills as they come in and put off filing until I can’t stand it!
    My life…family is first. Everything else based on appointments and schedules. I just make time to read every day…sometimes for hours if I’m lucky.
    One promise I made to myself a year ago…every book I read will be reviewed on Amazon, Goodreads and sometimes Bookbub. Authors deserve it!

    Good luck.
    Your books are great. Everything else will work itself out.


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