Hello, I’m Lou Sylvre, and I’m back, and this is a last minute post, because I’m running late as usual. There’s always something that gets in the way of my best laid plans. Occasionally it’s a dire need to take a nap (I’m no spring chicken), but more often it’s chores. Today: grocery shopping, driving daughter to work, taking grandson to the dentist. (And a nap.) So I should be more organized. I’m sure it would help. Give me advice? How do you organize your time? Your bookshelf? Your desk? Your life, lol! That’s all my blog post for today, really, except I’m going to tell you who won last month’s contest, and remind you about my new series releases.
Last month I reviewed four books that I loved: Garret Leigh’s Rented Heart, Anne Barwell’s Slow Dreaming, Elizabeth Noble’s Run for the Roses, and J. Scott Coatsworth’s River City Chronicles. I offered to buy one of those four books for the winner of the random pick from comments on the post, and we have a winner: Phoenix! Help me congratulate her.
Now lest I forget, I want you all to know that I also recommend the books I myself have written, lol. Recently, I’ve released three books in the Vasquez Inc series, and book four, A Shot at Perfect is coming out later this month. It’ll be available for download on the Changeling Press site on the 24th, and available from the big retailers a week later. But watch for news, because it will be up for preorder before that! And I’m looking forward to another hot cover.
Here’s where to find all the books with one easy link—my author page on the publisher’s site. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the Vasquez Inc series. Don’t forget there will be four more stories in this series coming out over the next months! (Note Changeling includes live links to retailers on their catalogue listings.)
Lou Sylvre on Changeling: https://www.changelingpress.com/lou-sylvre-a-211
Advise me, advise me, advise me (in the comments below). Just don’t tell me to use the Kondo method. Keeping only thirty books would be like starving myself.
I’ll be back next month, but if you leave me a comment. I’ll definitely appreciate it, and most likely reply. Thanks for reading!
Luckily I’m retired so my time is my own…except for when my husband claims his share.
Organize my bookshelf…First the beta reads I’ve committed to, then the ARC by date of release and then those I’ve chosen for myself. Usually by favorite author and then I mix up the genres.
My desk is a constant source of stress…so I’ve learned to only have in front of me what I’m currently working on, I deal with mail immediately, shred or recycle what I don’t need, pay bills as they come in and put off filing until I can’t stand it!
My life…family is first. Everything else based on appointments and schedules. I just make time to read every day…sometimes for hours if I’m lucky.
One promise I made to myself a year ago…every book I read will be reviewed on Amazon, Goodreads and sometimes Bookbub. Authors deserve it!
Good luck.
Your books are great. Everything else will work itself out.