N.R. Walker Guest Post ~ Audiobooks Galore


Audiobooks are a saviour for me. At the end of the day, my eyes are strained from too much screentime, and my hands hurt from typing, so being able to plug in some headphones and have someone read a book to me, is kinda like finding book-heaven on earth! And as an author, having my books in audio is such a treat. For a long time, it was never an option for me. But in the last two years, I now have 25 of my titles in audio – which is kind of crazy!

And even crazier, I will have three come out in just two weeks, and five in the five weeks before that!!!

Audiobooks are one of those things that readers either love or hate. I’m clearly on the ‘love’ side of the fence LOL but audios are becoming more and more popular. I love being able to relax and let the narrator do my reading for me, or listen while I get groceries, in the car on long drives, or waiting for kids to finish sport etc. It really has increased my reading time and I love that!  Audios are expensive to get into, and even more so for Aussie self-publishers who don’t have access to ACX (the audio dashboard/division of amazon) so it’s been a tricky road for me but I’m hoping to have even more titles out soon!



 My Blind Faith Trilogy is OUT NOW!

You can find it HERE!



The audio of Finders Keepers is OUT NOW!!   You can find it HERE!


And the audio of Galaxies and Oceans is up for pre-order!!

You can find it HERE!


For my Thomas Elkin fans, Sense of Place is live too!!

You can find it at Audible


So if you’ve been considering audiobooks, please note that Audible will give you one free credit to trial with your subscription, and then one free credit (one free audiobook) per month. So you literally have nothing to lose to see if it’s your new favourite thing!

You can check me out at Audible  HERE

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