12 Responses

  1. susana
    susana at |

    This series has been waiting in my kindle for some time now. It is next in my TBR list, so I’ll certainly read about Luki and Sonny this summer 😉

  2. heath0043
    heath0043 at |

    I haven’t read this series yet but it is on my list. Your time hijacker has been visiting me way too much.

  3. Audrey Stewart
    Audrey Stewart at |

    Thank you for the intro to Lou Sylvre. This is a new author for me, and I look forward to reading this. Thank you.

  4. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    I haven’t read the series, yet, but I do have the books on my TBR list. I need a separate time dimension just for reading.

  5. Trix
    Trix at |

    I’ve read several of the Vasquez and James books! Our time phone number back in the day was POPCORN, and I miss dialing that sometimes, I gotta admit…

  6. Heather Rawlins
    Heather Rawlins at |

    I love the Vasquez and James series. I don’t remember having to call for time, but it’s likely I did.

  7. Jodi Marinich
    Jodi Marinich at |

    I haven’t but I darn sure will!

  8. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    I miss not being able to call time (I “think” it was 1194 here in Australia)

  9. Jen CW
    Jen CW at |

    I have read them and loved the books. I’m so glad that they are back out in the world; I may need to do a reread soon. I’m already a member of your group (Jen Walter).

  10. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I’ve read the book and have enjoyed them =) Glad to see it re-released into a volume with a cool cover.

  11. Debra Guyette
    Debra Guyette at |

    I have some in my pile. I shall move them up.

  12. Lisa
    Lisa at |

    I have read and loved all of the Vasquez and James books! Hoping there will be more to come in that universe. 🙂 Joining your group too!


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