11 Responses

  1. Debra Guyette
    Debra Guyette at |

    I have never read one of your books before would love to read this one.

  2. Monics Baez
    Monics Baez at |

    Awesome! Looking forward to this!

  3. heath0043
    heath0043 at |

    Great cover. I love books about rock bands.

  4. 16forward
    16forward at |

    The cover is gorgeous! I love how the characters are superimposed with the fading in the background.

    I went to Goodreads and Amazon since your name sounded familiar…and discovered I’ve purchased the first book in the ‘Forces of Nature’ series.

    Now I just need to step back from the 17 authors I read ARC’s for, and the 1 I serve as a beta reader for, and read yours! (They are really prolific which really isn’t a bad thing at all!)

    Oh woe is me who has books stacked everywhere!

  5. Jodi Marinich
    Jodi Marinich at |

    sounds like a great read

  6. Calvin
    Calvin at |

    Quite a cool book, cheers on this reveal

  7. Jennifer S
    Jennifer S at |

    I like rock star romances!

  8. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Look great!

  9. susana
    susana at |

    Great cover! I really like it!

  10. Jillian Too
    Jillian Too at |

    I love how it captures the crowd’s energy.

  11. Candace Rich
    Candace Rich at |

    Wonxerful cover


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