Guest Post ~ N.R. Walker ~ Winter is Coming!

I don’t mean Game of Thrones (never seen an episode, sorry LOL I’m waiting to read the books!) I’m talking about the season! How is it June already?? This year is flying by so fast. I swear it was February two days ago LOL

But it’s winter here in Australia, which I love. I love rugging up with sweaters and scarves and woolen socks, drinking endless cups of coffee, reading and writing in a warm and cozy house while it’s grey and miserable outside. I’m very well aware that I can do this in summer (not the multi-layers of clothes part LOL) but the reading and writing part. I don’t know what it is about winter that appeals to me, but I do love it.

And when I say ‘winter’ I do mean an Australian winter. None of that 12 feet of snow business the northern hemisphere gets haha. Pretty sure that’d kill me.  But cold and blustery days are good for hot coffee and soups, and putting the heater on and grabbing a blanket and planting yourself on the couch with a book.

Maybe it’s the romanticism of it all. Maybe I’ll be sick of it by next week and looking at real estate in North Queensland where it’s basically summer all year round. But at the moment, I’m loving the much cooler weather. It makes me more productive. In the heat, I just want to sloth around because I can’t function when it’s ridiculously hot.

My husband is the opposite of me. He hates winter. He loves summer and loves the heat. He’s always checking out holidays and housing markets in tropical places, and I’m checking out Tasmania or Southern New Zealand LOL.

My current WIP is set in winter, and it’s easier to imagine and set the scenery when it’s accurate for what’s out the window. These two characters are outside most of the time and when they do get indoors, they need to warm up, right? 😉 Not that that has happened yet… we’re getting there. They will need to keep each other warm at some point though, I can tell you that much!

And fingers crossed I’ll have it finished before it’s summer here LOL!


In case you missed my last release, you can find The Hate You Drink at Amazon!


For more about N.R. Walker you can find her at:



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