14 Responses

  1. Avril Stepowski
    Avril Stepowski at |

    I really don’t do thrillers in movies. My favorite thriller book would be something from Dean Koontz.

    1. Jeff Adams
      Jeff Adams at |

      Dean Koontz is a master! Great choice.

  2. Didi
    Didi at |

    I don’t think I watched much thriller movies, but I loved The Dark Knight and The Prestige. As for books, there are at least two (titles) that always come to mind: Thinning the Predators by Dana Graziunas & The Tenth Justice by Brad Meltzer.

    1. Jeff Adams
      Jeff Adams at |

      I don’t know those books. I’m going to check those out. I haven’t seen “The Prestige” either, so something else for me to look for. Thanks!

  3. Jodi Marinich
    Jodi Marinich at |

    i say anything I read by Stephen king always give me the chills….

    1. Jeff Adams
      Jeff Adams at |

      He’s a master for sure! I love “The Stand,” “It” and “Under the Dome” (at least right up to the ending) for creating tension.

  4. Jennifer S
    Jennifer S at |

    I can’t think of any recent thrillers that I’ve read/seen, but there are a couple of MM thriller series that I’m looking forward to reading: Cordelia Kingsbridge’s Seven of Spades and LJ Hayward’s Where Death Meets the Devil.

    1. Jeff Adams
      Jeff Adams at |

      I need to check out Cordelia Kingsbridge. I heard she was going to be at Coastal Magic next year and I want to get into that series before then.

  5. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I really liked Train to Busan, Hush and Get Out thought they fall more under horror thriller than mystery and suspense..

    1. Jeff Adams
      Jeff Adams at |

      I wish I had the guts to watch “Get Out” since it has so much acclaim. I’m a wuss though and I suspect there’d be nightmares. :-/

  6. Trix
    Trix at |

    I always liked the movie SHALLOW GRAVE..

    1. Jeff Adams
      Jeff Adams at |

      Ooooh… that’s a classic! So good. I’d forgotten that one. I might need to seek that out for a re-watch.

  7. susana
    susana at |

    The Usual Suspects… I loved that film

    1. Jeff Adams
      Jeff Adams at |

      This is terrible to say… but I’ve never seen that movie and I totally should. :-/


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