Guest Post ~ N.R. Walker ~ New Release Coming Soon

I’m so very excited to show off this gorgeous cover. Made by Cover Me Darling, The Hate You Drink will be out later this month. I’m aiming for May 23rd but there are a few things that could change the release date. So please stay tuned!  You can follow me at Amazon or Bookbub to be alerted to new releases, or keep up to date with me in my Facebook readers’ group!



Erik Keston, son of the Keston Real Estate empire, knows what it takes to be successful. Despite his inherent wealth, he holds his own. He works hard, he’s grounded, he’s brilliant. He’s also secretly in love with his best friend.
Monroe Wellman lost his parents three years ago and never grieved, never recovered. Inheriting the family company and wealth means nothing, and his spiral of self-destruction is widespread and spectacular. Dubbed Sydney’s bad boy, he spends more days drunk than sober, and the only person who’s stuck by him through it all is his best mate.
But when Monroe hits rock bottom, Erik gives him an ultimatum, and his entire world comes to a grinding halt. But it’s when the haze is lifted that Monroe can truly see what he’s been searching for was never in the bottom of a bottle. It’s been by his side all along.

An 80,000-word friends to lovers story about fighting the demons within, and trusting in the love that takes its place.

“Because when all you drink is hate, that’s all there is inside you.”


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