6 Responses

  1. E.T. Malinowski
    E.T. Malinowski at |

    Thank you, Danielle and Love Bytes for hosting a Night Kiss Blog tour stop! 💜🤗

  2. Teresa Coppola
    Teresa Coppola at |

    I enjoyed reading the excerpt. It was a beautiful expression of love and devotion. I look forward to reading the book

  3. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Very nice. I’m a little confused since the characters are korean in name but the quote is in Chinese? Two hard languages to learn.

    1. E.T. Malinowski
      E.T. Malinowski at |

      The quote can be seen in three languages altogether; Korean, Mandarin, and Japanese. In the excerpt, Soon-joon is both Chinese and Japanese while Hyun-jo is Japanese. Their names are Korean because that is their current life. In Night Kiss, ChénBao (his adoptive mother and sire) will call Soon-joon Táozi or “peach” in Mandarin which is a nickname his birth mother gave him. For the most part, the characters are speaking Korean. When I used Mandarin or Japanese, a translation was included in the glossary. If a longer conversation took place, I tried to make it clear which language was being spoken.

      1. H.B.
        H.B. at |

        Ohh~! O.O Very cool! Thanks so much for the explanation. I have to give this a read.

        1. E.T. Malinowski
          E.T. Malinowski at |

          You are most welcome 😁


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