Monthly Guest Post—Andrew Q. Gordon—Being Visual

So yeah, I missed the last two monthly guest posts. Sorry about that. Life gets in my way a lot these days. Hopefully no one missed me to terribly.

I’m not sure if everyone’s brain is the same as mind, but my brain will unconsciously tie very disparate things together. For instance, I once wrote a story for the Gay Author’s website. I had a VERY small scene with a ballfield in a neighborhood that the main character was jogging around while he waited for his boyfriend. There is a similar place near where I live that whenever I drive by, I think of that story and those characters. It was at most a thousand works out of a two hundred-thousand-word story and yet. No other place does that.

When I began Champion of the Gods I was listening to Ten Thousand Maniacs (don’t judge). To this day, every time I hear a song from that album, it reminds me of the series. I still see my old bedroom when I was 13 every time I read the Lord of the Rings. Yeah, my weird brain.

So why this topic at this time? Recently I helped a fellow author with a legal issue for her story. I suppose most authors don’t know another prosecutor they can ask what a prosecutor would say/do, so they call me. And because I can’t stand to talk – what trial lawyer likes to do that – I spent about an hour on Skype talking about her case and how a trial would go from start to finish. Most of that time I was walking around a new town center that had been built near my house.

I drive through that town center every day. Sometimes more than once. And every time I think of this author who shall remain nameless. (Okay, it was K.C. Wells and I love her, just don’t tell anyone.) I haven’t read the book yet, (I start it tonight)  but I feel like I know it inside and out already, because every time I drive to and from the metro, go to the Whole Foods, stop at that Starbucks, take my daughter to the playground in that center, I think of the plot and characters of that story. I see the prosecutor’s office – even though she never described it for me. And because I have a copy of the book, I now see the main characters. Okay, okay, y’all twisted my arm enough, the book is The Law of Miracle and it was released on Monday. And not that I’m trying to hawk anything during a monthly guest post, buuuuutttttt – I’d go buy it – if I didn’t already have it ready to read tonight that is.

Luckily, the world is a big place. Otherwise I’d be in danger of running out of things to associate with the mountain of books on my TBR pile. If I run out of places, I might have to stop reading and well, that ain’t gonna happen any time soon.

Happy Holidays to everyone!!
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Andrew Q. Gordon wrote his first story back when yellow legal pads, ball point pens were common and a Smith Corona correctable typewriter was considered high tech. Adapting with technology, he now takes his MacBook somewhere quiet when he wants to write.

Since devouring The Lord of the Rings as a preteen, he has been a fan of all things fantastical. His imagination has helped him create works of high fantasy, paranormal thrills and touch of the futuristic. He also writes the occasional contemporary story.

He currently lives in the Washington, D.C. area with his husband of twenty-three years. Together they are raising their daughter and three dogs. Andrew tries to squeeze writing time in around his most important jobs, being husband and ‘Papa.’ Along with teaching how to kick a soccer ball or ride a scooter, he has become fluent in cartoon characters and children’s books. To find out more about Andrew, his writing and his family, follow him on his website or on Facebook.

You can also sign up for his monthly newsletter and get an exclusive short story only available to subscribers. Use the link below to join:

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Twitter: @andrewqgordon




From DSP Publications:

The Last Grand Master: (Champion of the Gods–Book 1)

The Eye and the Arm: (Champion of the GodsBook 2)

Kings of Lore and Legend: (Champion of the GodsBook 3)

Child of Night and Day (Champion of the Gods—Book: 4)

Coming Soon: When Heroes Fall (Champion of the GodsBook 5)


Self published:

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