10 Responses

  1. Jennifer
    Jennifer at |

    I haven’t eaten anything strange. I don’t even eat/drink things that other people eat all the time, such as burgers and coffee.

    1. Matthew Lang (@mattlangwrites)
      Matthew Lang (@mattlangwrites) at |

      I’ll admit I’ve never knowingly eaten a spider. I did eat some insects in Canada when they were still doing insect tastings at the Insectarium there. I think they’ve stopped that now though.

      Still, you’re in the draw! Best of luck, Jennifer!

  2. Susana Perez
    Susana Perez at |

    I don’t know what you may consider strange… I’ve eaten frog’s legs and snails… Octopus as well… But octopus is quite common in my área
    Congrats on the reléase. It sounds good

    1. Matthew Lang (@mattlangwrites)
      Matthew Lang (@mattlangwrites) at |

      Thanks Susana! I don’t think it matters what I would consider strange (although, I am very strange, so who knows), but whatever you consider strange is just as valid. I’ve only done snails once, so they’re definitely strange to me.

  3. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    I don’t eat strange….I’m a very finicky eater!
    it took decades to learn that avocado is the best!

    1. Matthew Lang (@mattlangwrites)
      Matthew Lang (@mattlangwrites) at |

      Oh wow, avocado. I <3 hass avocado specifically, it is definitely the best. I once made what I consider to be an avocado dip – ripe hass avocados, lemon juice, salt and pepper. I got asked by a visiting American what was in the guacamole because it was the best he had ever had.

      I'm not sure how he felt when I said it was basically just avocado…

  4. Debra Guyette
    Debra Guyette at |

    I did eat a chocolate covered grasshopper, actually many times.

    1. Matthew Lang (@mattlangwrites)
      Matthew Lang (@mattlangwrites) at |

      Oh wow. Many times? Now I’m curious. Where did you find them and are they good? I had grasshoppers in fudge once, but it was once and I honestly couldn’t taste a lot other than the crunch.

  5. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Lol, the tarantula bit got me. I was thinking it was so unsafe and very disgusting since it isn’t something I grew up on though I’ve seen Bizarre Food and there was an insect one and it showed how they rared it for safe eating and cooking and eating them. I do eat some foods other people may consider strange.

    1. Matthew Lang (@mattlangwrites)
      Matthew Lang (@mattlangwrites) at |

      That’s cool! I’ve seen a few about insects as well but they’re so expensive for some strange reason that I just haven’t taken to cooking them!


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