3 Responses

  1. 16forward
    16forward at |

    I leave a review for every book I read. Most of my reviews are 4’s and 5’s. I’ve only left 1… 1 and 1… 2 that I can recall. Several 3’s. I always give reasons why I like books…plots, characters, dialogues, etc. If I don’t care for a book I give an honest reason why. Usually it has to do with editing or stilted dialogue. Occasionally because a plot is convoluted or unclear.

    I admire anyone who can write a book and publish it. Since I never have, I can only approach each book from the standpoint of a reader. Someone who admires authors and the pleasure they bring to my world.

  2. 16forward
    16forward at |

    By the way, I’m an educator so maybe that’s why I always try to focus on the positive and potential in everyone…and I especially to encourage attempts!

  3. Lisa
    Lisa at |

    I leave both positive and negative reviews. If I dislike a book because of something that’s not my cup of tea, I only give stars if it’s required, otherwise I tell why I didn’t care for the book & don’t mark stars.


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