Did you just say that… out loud?!

Recently I read a post on an Author’s site that made my blood boil. In this post said Author ranted and raved and made some statements that were not only contradictory, they were somewhat offensive. As an Author of gay romance I can assure you that I don’t write porn on paper, I write stories about men that happen to be gay. I create worlds and families, give my characters depth, make them flawed and, oh hell yes, there are some sexy times as well. As a reader of gay romance I do not pick up a book with one hand and my BOB (battery operated boyfriend) with the other while juggling a glass of wine with my toes. I absolutely love a short, sexy and steamy novella, I adore family romance stories with a bit of comedy and it’s quite exciting to flip through the pages of a murder mystery. “Getting Off” is not really on my mind. Is a sexy gay romance enticing? Hell yes! But enticing and masturbating are miles and cities apart from each other.

Now, I will readily admit that as a straight female I have no fucking clue what the ins and outs of sex between two men is. Therefore, research must be done. I have a membership to Cockyboys, I watch LGBTQ movies, I read gay romance and I have friends that are eager to discuss things with me as well as reading and critiquing my books before they are released. Funny story, when I wrote my first book I used the term “Gspot” and never typed the word lube. Suffice to say, there were a LOT of rewrites. Fun story, I’ve had dinner with gay porn stars multiple times and have been told that filming the scenes are more wooden and mechanical than sexy and flirty, tricks of the camera and all. I’ve experienced this while watching adult film, rewinding a scene fifty times to commit every finite detail to memory so that I can put that knowledge into my stories to make them more authentic and believable. No happy endings here folks, sorry, you’ve been misinformed.

And on the subject of gay porn stars circling gay romance Authors like flies. This infuriates me for many, many reasons. I’ve met many men that work in the gay porn industry and every one that I’ve met is an amazing person. One is in medical school, one is studying psychiatry, the thing they all have in common? They are fucking people! We lost one of the greatest Author’s in our genre in 2017 and she really ushered in the use of adult film stars as cover models so to read the words “all the porn actors that dance around some authors like flies” pissed me off to the highest of pisstivity. Yes, I just created my own word. A lot of these guys are just living their life and being a cover model is just another stamp on their passport of life. To have them reduced to something ugly with the use of just a few words is unacceptable and makes me see red.

Women both read and write gay romance, I don’t understand the problem. How is me writing a book wrapped around two gay men affecting this Author’s life? How is me rushing over to Amazon to purchase the current best seller in the LGBTQ romance genre, whether or not it’s written by a woman, affecting the Author’s life? I’ll tell you how… it’s not! Now, I don’t know what caused said Author to write this post, there could be extenuating circumstances. But to deliberately offend female Authors and readers was not necessary in my humble opinion. Nor was it necessary to classify adult film stars as flies circling the… Let me be clear, I both write and read gay romance because I enjoy a good story. I like to curl up in my bed with my kindle and a glass of wine and read a well written book about a couple of guys who may not have had the easiest life, and their happy ever after may be an uphill battle, but the Author penned it so well that it’s 3AM and I’m exhausted but blissfully happy with how it ended. I write gay romance because I’m utterly fascinated by relationships between two, or more, men. For me, there’s nothing sexier than watching two men grapple over a kiss, one guy has the other pinned to the wall, fingers digging into his hips, hand fisted in long hair, teeth and tongues battling for dominance. I love the passion that this conveys, I love that they can be rough and still alluring, that they can push each other to the limit with just hands and lips. The passion and embrace is what I crave, the sex is simply frosting.

It seems fitting that I end this post by pimping my contemporary gay romance series, the All Cocks stories, which is a world I’ve created about men in the online gay porn industry. My tag line for this series… Life begins when the camera stops rolling… because these men are friends and families first, they experience love and loss because deep down, they are just another guy looking for love.

See you next month!!


You can purchase the All Cocks stories as well as my other titles from these fine online retailers…

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1muE5AA  Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2syj3Ij  Amazon AU: https://goo.gl/0sCPxq  Amazon DE: https://goo.gl/fhBB9c  Smashwords: https://goo.gl/iyiBz9  B&N: https://goo.gl/dWauDA  Kobo: https://goo.gl/jS8Ygx  iTunes: https://goo.gl/vrLfOl

Audible: https://goo.gl/7Iu4Zf  Payhip: https://payhip.com/authortmsmith

TM Smith Author bio and links:

A military brat born and raised at Ft. Benning Georgia; TM Smith is an avid reader, reviewer and writer. A Texas transplant, she now calls DFW her home. Most days she can be found curled up with a good book, or ticking away on her next novel.

Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, she is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights. Because, seriously people, Love is Love!

Website: www.authortmsmith.com  Blog: www.ttcbooksandmore.com   Facebook Author: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorTMSmith

Facebook All Cocks series: https://www.facebook.com/AllCocksStories   Twitter – https://twitter.com/TTCBooksandmore
GoodReads: https://goo.gl/XQugse  Pinterest: https://goo.gl/cq9R9t  Youtube: https://goo.gl/Rpq5gX


4 Responses

  1. Lea Blottiaux
    Lea Blottiaux at |

    I loved your comment. I’ve read your All Cocks series and I do enjoy them. You keep writing and I’ll keep reading.

  2. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Great post and well said. I don’t think m/m fiction is porn either (well unless your writing pure erotica and that’s okay too since I’m sure someone is picking up something new there) and reading the genre has taught me a lot.

  3. craneclaire
    craneclaire at |

    Great post, I enjoy your books, males or females romance is romance I enjoy reading all sorts and don’t understand how people get offended by what’s on offer out there

  4. 16forward
    16forward at |

    Thank you so much for writing and posting what I’ve often thought and shared with others…especially my husband! Keep writing your wonderful stories. There can’t be too much love in this crazy world!


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