Why I Chose to Write MM romance


As a woman married to a man, the first question I always get when I tell people I write MM romance is “Why?”. Many people can’t understand why a woman would want to write stories about men falling in love, so today I’ll enlighten you ;).

I’ve talked a bit before about how I did start out my writing career in MF romance. I’ve always been utterly in love with love. I’m a strange dichotomy in many ways because in general I tend to be a bit of an unemotional cynic, but when it comes to love I’m super shmoopy. When I watched The Office it was all about the Jim and Pam storyline for me, The demons in Charmed were just a distraction from how Piper and Leo would work out, and the Will They/Won’t They between Ross and Rachel was life to me when I was young. I absolutely love love and relationships. So, how did I end up writing stories focusing on LGBT characters?

It’s pretty simple in all honesty, the types of stories I love to tell fit better into MM romance than MF romance. The tropes and relationships I enjoy are more embraced in MM than in MF so that’s what I started to write. That’s how it started anyway. I fell in love with the genre and the people in it, so I made the switch. Does that mean I would switch back to MF if it suited me? Nope. And here’s why…

I switched to MM because it fit my style and interests better. But since embracing the genre there’s something that has become much more fulfilling than rankings or income. The first time I got a message from a reader telling me that my stories have made them more open minded toward LGBT people in real life, it made my heart so happy. I’ve now heard it multiple times, people who come from areas where “gay” simply isn’t talked about or embraced and through books they’ve come to learn things about themselves, embrace different people, and even come to defend different types of relationships such as polyamory. To me, that’s the best possible outcome I can hope for in writing my books. I want to make the world a more beautiful and loving place. THAT’S why I write MM.

One Response

  1. Purple Reader
    Purple Reader at |

    Thanks for writing mm, and I appreciate your explanation. It’s a question I have as well, but for me, it’s from the pov of a gay man. It’s great that you do write mm and that it helps open people’s minds to other possibilities of love. I also hope you’ve gotten the feedback from the side of the coin, ones who are gay, and who enjoy your writing because it’s great to see ourselves on the page, and especially for guys trying to figure things out.


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