18 Responses

  1. Anne Barwell
    Anne Barwell at |

    Don’t enter me into the prize draw, but yes please to the group. It sounds like a ray of sunshine just when it’s needed.

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      Thanks, Anne! I will send you an invite when I set up the group. I hope to see a lot of you there. 🙂

  2. Didi
    Didi at |

    I’m not good at guessing which is which, but my favorite of the above is the fourth snippet. As for FB group, I can’t believe I just find out yours (I just nipped over there to join 🙂 as posts/discussions in groups usually are more troll-free from general feed).

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      Hey, Didi! I confess that may be my favorite too! Your name is in the hat twice. Thank you so much. I will reopen the group and send you an invite. Look forward to having you there. 🙂

  3. Jennifer
    Jennifer at |

    I like all the snippets. I have Falling Snow on Snow and Loving Luki Vasquez, now I just have to read them! A group that focuses on positive things would be good. We can all use a little more of that in our lives!

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      Great Jennifer! I’ll count that as “in the hat twice.” I’ll send you an invite to the group and hope you’ll join! I’ll start it up soon. 🙂

  4. 16forward
    16forward at |

    This is a series I’ve yet to start! Thanks for posting the discussion so it reminds me of what’s out there, waiting to be enjoyed!

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      Thanks much! I hope you get a chance to read the series, or at least one of the standalone novellas (Pencarrow and Snow). If so, let me know if you found the book a good read! 🙂

  5. Judy Stone
    Judy Stone at |

    Hi, Lou! A silver lining FB group sounds wonderful, and I’d be interested in joining. What seems to kill groups in a heartbeat are trolls and haters. Even when the moderators vet the applicant and lay the ground rules.

    All the snippets are fascinating, but I haven’t read the Luke and Sonny books–YET!

    Quote: the jewel-colored glass. From Falling Snow on Snow
    Quote: Rusty felt on fire. From Sunset at Pencarrow
    Quote: These tunnels are strange. From Saving Sonny James

    Congratulations on your 41st monthly Love Bytes post.

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      Thank you, thank you, Judy, and it’s so wonderful to see you here. Good work on the snippets! I’ll send you an invite when I start the group up—very soon.

  6. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Hi Lou. Thank you for the interesting post. I’m not much of a social media user but think the platform would be something fun for readers who are.

  7. Heather Rawlins
    Heather Rawlins at |

    I’d definitely be interested in your FB group. Vasquez & James series is one of my very favourites. The first one is from Yes. The fifth is from Finding Jackie. Seventh is from Loving Luki Vasquez, the Eighth one is from Saving Sonny James
    I loved the tunnels book, Saving Sonny James. And I really did cry over Delsyn. And I hope I say Luki right, but somehow I bet I’m not. I say it like Lookie (like zoo). I love all the cultures in these stories.

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      Hi Heather! You are in the hat three times, and yes, you’re saying Luki right. 🙂 I will send you a group invite—glad you’re interested in joining! Thank you much! <3

  8. susana
    susana at |

    Thank you! I would be interested in the facebook group, of course. As for the snippets, I like them all 😉

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      Hi Susana! Great! I’ll send you an invite when I get the group going. I’ll be so happy to have you there. And okay, that will count for the extra entry. You’re in the hat twice. Thank you! 🙂

  9. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    Yes, I would love to be part of your group. I’ve found out in the last few years that most authors keep readers updated over FB rather on their own blogs and sites. Even more so if they have a groups.


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