22 Responses

  1. Purple Reader
    Purple Reader at |

    Thanks so much for blog, Dani, and to DSP for the GC. I’d like to think that your journey has come full circle, where you first found m/m and it helped you, and now you are helping SO many more people find it, find joy in it, and for many find themselves too.

  2. heath0043
    heath0043 at |

    Thank you for a little background on how Love Bytes got started. I do appreciate how much work you and all the reviewers have put in to make it a success that helps the authors and the readers.

  3. Trix
    Trix at |

    Thank you for all your hard work, great to know more about you! (And I had no idea AS THE WORLD TURNS has/had a gay couple, I would have watched had I known!)

  4. dee
    dee at |

    Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself with us. I only recently discovered that there is something like EuroPrideCon. Didn’t know you were the organiser. That is really awesome 🙂 Organising something of that magnitude deserves a lot of respect!
    Also thanks for operating this great site. The way everything is presented is always a treat. Love the reviews and love the monthly author’s posts. Would love to see Flashback Friday come back, though^^

  5. Helena Stone
    Helena Stone at |

    Thank YOU, Dani! For everything you do for both readers and writers. Both parts of me are incredibly grateful for all the time and effort you put into this wonderful blog of yours. Here’s to many more happy years of reading and blogging. <3

  6. Jen CW
    Jen CW at |

    Thank you for all that you and your team does to keep the blog going. I love coming here to see what you have going on every day. Congratulations on your 5th Anniversary!

  7. Susana Perez
    Susana Perez at |

    Thank you so much for the glimpse at your story, Danielle. I love your reviews. I actually love everything in this blog. I hope there are more years to come!

  8. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    thanks for being the bestest blogger …ever! <3

  9. Andrea M
    Andrea M at |

    I never realized how labor intensive a blog is. Now I’ll aopreciate it all the more.

  10. 16forward
    16forward at |

    I’ve been reading your blog since at least 2015 and have enjoyed every posting! I’ve been introduced to new books, new authors and wonderful series. I hope you know how important your blog is to the entire reading public. I can’t thank you enough for the world of ideas you’ve introduced me to…along with some really wonderful scenarios!

    Keep up the good work!

  11. Jennifer
    Jennifer at |

    I really like your site. Thanks for all the reviews!

  12. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    Thank for the post and sharing about how you got started and about yourself. And thanks for all the hard work you put into this wonderful blog.

  13. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Thank you for sharing about how you got started and why. Thank you for putting so much time and effort into maintaining the blog and to all the reviewer, authors and publishers who helped you contribute to the blog and have helped to make the blog what it is today!

  14. Didi
    Didi at |

    Thank you for all you and your team at this blog have done these five years and I hope still continue for years to come. As a reader, a bunch of enlightening post – aside from book promos – also help open my eye and fill me in on the myriad spectrums of LGBTQ and I’m still learning. Cheers to you guys, happy anniversary and here’s to more years to come for Love Bytes! <3

  15. jenndonald00
    jenndonald00 at |

    What a great post, and thank you for sharing about you! I really enjoy following this blog! 🙂

  16. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    I used to think it was easy but now I really know it’s not the case. It takes to compromise and a lot of time and sometimes it can get too much. It’s always sad when a blog you follow closes. Like it’s happening with Sinfully Sexy this time.
    Thanks for all the posts! This is one of my fav review blogs I enjoy.

  17. AngelaVR
    AngelaVR at |

    Thank you Danielle (and the whole team) for all the wonderfull blog posts, reviews, giveaways cover reveals, polls and story’s you give us each week though Love Bytes. I enjoy your blog very much and i hope there will be many more years to come. Congratulations!!

  18. suze294
    suze294 at |

    Dani, thanks for the look at how the blog came about and how much it takes to keep it running. I was quite early doors but it was Blog of Sid Love when I first found you – and you are an integral part of my day!!!!!

  19. Curly
    Curly at |

    Great hearing more about you. I’m curious on how you watch As The World Turns in the Netherlands?

  20. Laura05
    Laura05 at |

    Congrats Love Bytes team 🙂

  21. Milica
    Milica at |

    Congratulation on the anniversary and thank you for all the reviews and everything you do on this site!

  22. Rose
    Rose at |

    Congratulations on the 5th birthday! Keep up with the amazing work!


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