Writing Healthy By S.C. Wynne

Good morning all! Image result for exercise

I used to own a coffeehouse and I always worried that working twelve hour days was unhealthy. A lot of time was spent jumping up and down to serve customers, but there was also a lot of paperwork and bills and bookkeeping to handle as well. I could never find time or energy to exercise after work or on my days off.

We sold the shop last year and I was feeling very energized that NOW I’d be able to exercise and eat right! I’m writing full time now, and I had dreams of living a healthy lifestyle after feeling trapped by my business for so long.

It was a shock to realize that my life style of writing full time is actually even worse for me! I haven’t been as disciplined as I should be and I’ve been bad about making time for exercise. There is always another book to write, or format. So many things to do to keep me from my exercise routine. (And let’s face it, I don’t want to exercise anyway!)

But I’m finally putting my foot down. I never really thought about how sedentary being an author was. So I have a new routine where every 1200 words or so I get up and do about 15 minutes of exercise. I can go longer if I want, but I’m not obligated to, and that way I don’t look at it like torture. It’s a mental game because if I tell myself i have to workout for an hour, I’ll find a reason to avoid it. But there is no excuse to not get up and work out for 15 minutes! So doing this I’ve been getting daily exercise and I feel much better and my brain works better too. I’m a genius! A lazy genius! lol

How about you? Do you love exercise or do you have to force yourself to sweat, like me? 😀



2 Responses

  1. 16forward
    16forward at |

    Sweat! Here in Texas we ‘glow!’ But I still don’t like it because it happens just walking from the house or store to the car!

    1. S.C. Wynne
      S.C. Wynne at |

      LOL Oh that’s right I forgot! Horses sweat and women glow! Texas is humid, right? I can’t do humidity. lol


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