5 Responses

  1. ELF
    ELF at |

    Squee! Thanks for the GC, that makes a gloomy day so much better! I appreciate learning about the new books to add to my TBR mountain range.

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      You’re welcome! And I’m just right now in the process of sending you an email. 🙂 Thank you for participating.

  2. Susana Perez
    Susana Perez at |

    I loved Skythane. Lander is already in my TBR list!

    1. Lou Sylvre
      Lou Sylvre at |

      Mine too, Susana! And it’s clamoring for my attention… 🙂

  3. Anne Barwell
    Anne Barwell at |

    Thanks for the shout out, Lou <3


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