63 Responses

  1. Didi
    Didi at |

    I’m enjoying this blog tour immensely! Thank you for the lovely excerpt, Rhys – now you got me impatient to read the book. 🙂
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Trix
    Trix at |

    Such a lovely story already!

  3. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    Such a great excerpt I’m looking forward to reading the book it sounds fab.

  4. salann31
    salann31 at |

    Book 1 was amazing and I cannot wait to read Hanging the Stars. SO excited. 😊

  5. Andrea M
    Andrea M at |

    I preordered and now it’s only 3 more days~!

  6. Josie
    Josie at |

    For a family that used to put up 7 trees each year, that has to be a RIDICULOUS amount of ornaments to go through. They should probably have started the day after Thanksgiving!

  7. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    What a lovely piece of the story. Two lines jumped out at me.

    This one made me lol: “I think it needs to be burned before it lurches upstairs and kills us all in our sleep?”

    And this one because everyone needs to hear it: “Maybe a couple of the ugly ones too. Just because not everything that’s important is pretty but they are all beautiful.”

    Thank you!

  8. gamistress66
    gamistress66 at |

    such true sentiments we should all remember. thanks 🙂

  9. kp59
    kp59 at |

    i’m loving this Christmas story! Can’t get enough!

  10. Jen CW
    Jen CW at |

    Love that last line in the excerpt! Thank you so much for the excerpt and giveaway. I really want oto read this book.

  11. Kerri Sandercock
    Kerri Sandercock at |

    Can’t wait for Book 2

  12. ngpeltier
    ngpeltier at |

    awwwwww i love this excerpt!

  13. susana
    susana at |

    I loved the first book in the series…. I’m really looking forward to reading West’s story!

  14. Lisa Brown
    Lisa Brown at |

    Sounds great, thanks for the excerpt 🙂

  15. andyslayde
    andyslayde at |

    Excellent post. I can not wait for the book to be released. 🙂

  16. bastdazbog
    bastdazbog at |

    I seriously can’t wait to read Hanging the Stars. Thanks for the contest. 🙂

  17. Judy Stone
    Judy Stone at |

    Oh, Rhys, what a wonderful snippet; happy birthday to me! Packing and getting ready to move house, but looking forward to reading Hanging the Stars. I need to reread book 1.

  18. Beebs
    Beebs at |

    Loving these little Christmas snippets <3

  19. younela
    younela at |

    I’m loving the construction of these Christmas snippets.

  20. Ami
    Ami at |

    wonderful excerpt; thank you so much

  21. Jillian Too
    Jillian Too at |

    I love opening up our ornament boxes and rediscovering our favorites.

  22. allesonfaye
    allesonfaye at |

    After my parents died in 2014, I went out and bought an ornament for each of them. They are the first ones I put on the tree each year. Some ornaments are special.

  23. Tammy Anita
    Tammy Anita at |

    I loved the first book and can’t wait to read this one. Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. Kimberly Curington
    Kimberly Curington at |

    The more of these short pieces I read, the more impatient I get to read the book! Hurry up December 5th!

  25. Miranda P
    Miranda P at |

    I love Lang and Deacon can’t wait for more.

  26. Sandy
    Sandy at |

    I so can’t wait for this, but saving it for Christmas road trip. Will have to ignore all the reviews until then:)

  27. Sandy
    Sandy at |

    Saving for road trip at Christmas, but I’m so ready! Love the peeks!

  28. Brenda
    Brenda at |

    Loving the blog tour, can’t wait for Monday!

  29. lisa44837
    lisa44837 at |

    “Maybe a couple of the ugly ones too. Just because not everything that’s important is pretty but they are all beautiful.” – This was my favorite line in today’s snippet. Thanks for a lovely post.

  30. ineztey
    ineztey at |

    Loving the blog tour. Can’t wait to read Hanging the Stars.

  31. Paige Blair
    Paige Blair at |

    I’m really excited to re-visit Half Moon Bay!

  32. Kendra Patterson
    Kendra Patterson at |

    Thank goodness it’s getting closer. I really like these blog tours with little snippets that all together end up telling a story. 😀

  33. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    loved the excerpt
    added these books to my wish list

  34. Erica Fisher
    Erica Fisher at |

    I love this excerpts it’s like looking in the window to their lives. yes the characters always feel so real to me it’s like they could be my neighbors. Thank You Rhys

  35. Dee Slate
    Dee Slate at |

    Every excerpt I read of the life Deacon and Lang have made together makes me glad I got the book (and audio). I am so looking forward to reading book 2 and litening to Greg Tremblay.

  36. Darleen Mitchell
    Darleen Mitchell at |

    Love the Tour! Great story!

  37. Toni
    Toni at |

    I love that last line

  38. Peaches
    Peaches at |

    How true it is that when we fall in love, the in-laws–good, bad, and everything in between– come as part of the package. The ornament he insulted reminds me of something I made in wood class. It was pretty unrecognizable. 😀

  39. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Thank you for the excerpt. It sounds fantastic =)

  40. Opus
    Opus at |

    Love these little vignettes! Thank you!

  41. winterelf2
    winterelf2 at |

    So funny. Ugly ornaments indeed. Looking forward to this one!

  42. James Robert
    James Robert at |

    Definitely a book my sister would enjoy reading.

  43. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    Thanks for another great excerpt!

  44. Jenni Lea
    Jenni Lea at |

    God, I love this little family. Thanks Rhys!

  45. Bea LaRocca
    Bea LaRocca at |

    Congrats on the book and the tour! This sounds like my kind of read! Thanks so much for sharing the excerpt and offering the Giveaway! Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  46. suze294
    suze294 at |

    Aww, true words at the end there!

  47. ginger
    ginger at |

    Enjoying your short stories.

  48. zunnix
    zunnix at |

    Not pretty but beautiful. That’s perfect!

  49. Lisa
    Lisa at |

    I’m really enjoying these stories on the blog tour. Thanks, Rhys.

  50. AHPG
    AHPG at |

    Thanks for this post 🙂

  51. Jess A Jaye
    Jess A Jaye at |

    Not read this series yet but loved the excerpt so its been firmly added to my TBR

  52. LisaS
    LisaS at |

    I love following along with this story!

  53. jeanreads2
    jeanreads2 at |

    Nothing better for Christmas than books. (Well, except for family, that is the best thing). I remember when the Christmas decorations my brother and I made in elementary school decorated the house and the tree, even into my college years. I admit to being a little glad they are no longer put out every year.

  54. Laura05
    Laura05 at |

    Thanks you for this post and congrats on the release 🙂

  55. 2kasmom
    2kasmom at |

    I am excited to get this book!

  56. Sula
    Sula at |

    Another tempting snippet, thank you for the giveaway chance <3

  57. Elizabeth Marshall
    Elizabeth Marshall at |

    Congratulations on the release! And thank you for the chance to win – which’d go straight to books. Lol. I can’t wait to read this – I’ve enjoyed absolutely everything else I’ve read! 😀

  58. dejamew
    dejamew at |

    Loving the blog tour. I have to read all of these first.

  59. Penumbra
    Penumbra at |

    I’m enjoying the snippets, thanks! 🙂

  60. Purple Reader
    Purple Reader at |

    Congrats and thanks for the post. A good seasonal. And #2 sounds great to add to the series – I love some mystery mixed in with the gay romance.

  61. Angela
    Angela at |

    Congrats on the relese of Hanging the Stars and thank you for the giveaway chance

  62. Karen
    Karen at |

    Not sure how I missed this! Off to one-click! 🙂

  63. Sadonna
    Sadonna at |

    Oh so true! What a lovely moment 🙂 Love these guys


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