10 Responses

  1. Carolyn
    Carolyn at |

    I know this isn’t part of the tour, but I just got finished following along, and I feel like I need to keep reading your posts. I’m glad I took the time to do so. This was a lot of fun and very interesting (just like the ones on the tour), and I’m glad you shared your thoughts on May days and muses. I got the funniest image of “your muse” checking the want ads. 😉 Thank you for the gift of your words!

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      Thank you very much, Carolyn! I’m glad you enjoyed the post and I have to tell you that your comment just made me laugh out loud. 😀

      It’s an honour to know that you’re keeping an eye out for me. <3

  2. drawboy
    drawboy at |

    *dies laughing* Buddy, why do I have no difficulties at all to imagine that she would be greeted just like that? 😀

    Muse (wanders in cheerfully): Hi there, I thought I come over and finally introduced myself.

    You: What do YOU want?

    Muse: But…but…I thought I could be of help?

    You (handing her the grocery list): Here. This is how you can be a useful member of society. Now git! I have work to do!

    But in all seriousness, my friend. You are right. It is US who are the creative ones and if we find inspiration in something it is because our brains are especially receptive to things others do not see, hear, or feel.

    By the way? Wildflower Week, National Bike Week? That sounds awesome! 😀 Nurse’s Week and Emergency Medical Services Week are so important! We can not thank them enough for the work they do!

    National Bike to Work Day and Pick Strawberries Day! Count me in! 😀

    No Dirty Dishes Day. We should have that every day!

    And man do I love the image of you sitting in a limo, wearing a tux! RAWR!

    Thank you very, very much for this great and fun post, buddy! 😀


    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      You’re very welcome, my friend. Thank you, as always, for reading and commenting. And you know, I could totally use someone to do the groceries for me. Do you think I could convince Her? 😀


  3. Lavender Wynter
    Lavender Wynter at |

    It’s official. I’m going to have to mark a “Appreciate Henley Week” somewhere on my calendar. Maybe June – Spring going into Summer since he likes it a lot more than Summer going into Fall. XD

    Anybody ever see a Muse pout? Well, Henley probably just successfully achieved the result. XD

    I classify my “muse” as all the things I read and the things I see – some good, others not so much. It’s inspiration. That’s just what a Muse is to me. Not a person actually in my head flinging ideas at me like cooked spaghetti noodles and hoping something will stick – because that would earn them a foot in the rear out the door quick, fast, and in a hurry. 😛

    I don’t like having food flung at me. Or drinks. Or anything else for that matter. I’m sure the feeling’s rather mutual for most people. XD

    Thank you for the post! <3

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      Well, thank you very much! But you do lots of appreciating already. 😀

      Come to think of it, I don’t care for things being flung at me either. Well, SOME things… wait. No. Not even those things. LOL


  4. Jack Frost
    Jack Frost at |

    What do you mean inappropriate comments? Jeez, you hit on a guy in lewd explicate ways and you’re branded for life. xD

    Wish I had a muse, let me self create some other day. Then again, considering I have an addictive personality I might become dependent on them so probably a good thing they don’t visit.

    If I had won the lottery last night I would be celebrating Millionaire day with you. But sadly I didn’t even buy a ticket.

    So this post got me wondering about different daily holidays. I just checked for holidays specific to my birthday, we’ve got everything from National Milk Chocolate Day to World Hepatitis Day.

    check i day is a fun site.

    A lovely self-affirming post there sir. I really liked it.

    Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve just learned why you shouldn’t wear g-strings to work. D:

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      OMG, Frosty. XD I’m laughing so hard here right now. XD

      Thank you for reading and commenting. You always manage to hit my funny bone. 😉


  5. 16forward
    16forward at |

    Can’t top drawboy… still giggling! Enjoy the rest of your blog tour and leave the tux at the door…

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      Draw tends to do that. I know he always makes me chuckle, anyway. 😀

      Thank you very much! I will absolutely do that. PJ pants are way more comfy for blog tours. 😉



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