3 Responses

  1. lennanadams
    lennanadams at |

    This is great advice! I have just read like four writing books and scared myself to death, haha. I am so glad I read this. I know the info in the books is good but my characters have kind of gone off to hide behind a curtain because of them. Thank you!

    1. JP Barnaby (@JPBarnaby)
      JP Barnaby (@JPBarnaby) at |

      Writing advice is just like any other kind of advice – take what you can use, file the rest. 🙂

  2. Kati Leinonen
    Kati Leinonen at |

    I am at the moment gathering my stuff together and finding the courage to really start to write my first book ever.
    I am currently, and have been writing for years, fanfictions and making the step is scary.
    Thanks for the advice and the encouragement in what you wrote because yep I am feeling like a fraud too…


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