4 Responses

  1. Meg Amor
    Meg Amor at |

    Aloha! Excellent post thanks. 🙂 I love the bit about everyone sitting around glued to their computers at GRL. 🙂 That’s what I like about other writers, you don’t have to pretend you’d rather really be chatting it up and having a ‘social’ time. They get it. When you say, got to go, have a character waiting with some dialogue, they go, “see you.” No whinging and pulling faces or saying ridiculous things like, “but, can’t you take a night off.” They GET it. And I for one, love being part of the writer’s world because we get each other.

    Thanks for this Lisa. It was fun and funny. And right on.

    Aloha Meg Amor 🙂

  2. Lisa Henry
    Lisa Henry at |

    Thanks so much, Meg! Yes, it’s definitely great to spend time with other people who get it!

  3. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Great post. Thank you for sharing how writing is for you. I’m anti-social too but writing isn’t what I have come to yet even if I have ideas swirling in my head. It’s awesome that you’ve have people who understand you and can relate =)

  4. JR Weiershauser
    JR Weiershauser at |

    You are full of awesomeness


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