4 Responses

  1. nicki442
    nicki442 at |

    No offense intended, honestly, but do you not have autocorrect or spellcheck? Reading “saterday” instead of “Saturday”, and the words “anniversary”, “receiving”, “accommodate”, “overwhelmed” (and more), incorrectly spelled had me disbelieving this post was written by a blog owner. Sorry, but it really only takes a minute to proofread before posting, and most devices alert you of misspelled words.

  2. Des Livres
    Des Livres at |

    Dani, I am very thankful for your blog. You and your fellow reviewers produce reviews and articles of a very high standard. I check your blog every day.

    I also enjoy your comment pieces. Please keep contributing them!

    As a native speaker of English, I can assure you that your written English is fluid, natural and a pleasure to read. We all make the odd typo here and there. I didn’t even notice any that were in your blog post.

  3. AF Henley
    AF Henley at |

    Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! I look forward to see what you’re working on to celebrate it. Three years is a long time to devote yourself (and your crew) to such a huge undertaking and as an author, a contributor, a subscriber, and a reader I am immensely impressed and thrilled that you do what you do. Keep up the great work! <3

  4. Nihcki
    Nihcki at |

    Wow. This post is COMPLETELY re-worked; spellcheck ran, paragraphs added, sentences restructured. Amazing to find a totally different post from the original that I commented on. I’d wanted to show my father, but now it’s an entirely different piece. I’m glad though, and it should’ve been presented this way in the first place. Nobody is in THAT much of a hurry to not give a globally-read post a once-over before publishing it. Thanks for noting that changes were made at the top. Everyone has an off day now and then, but when you’re dealing with the internet and world-wide audiences, one has to be extra diligent. I love this blog and refer it to my friends. Keep up the GOOD work.


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