This Post has been revised due to the comment posted at the bottom.
Hi everybody
It has been a while and although I have been posting updates on Facebook, I thought I would also put part of the round up post I did of my trip to Orlando, in here. To be honest, it would be fair to say is that it wasn’t all wonderful because during this trip I got some not so nice news from the home front…but with the strong encouragement of my husband, and lots of great friends at the Workshop, I tried to make the best of it and had as I said a wonderful couple of days!
At the end of the long day on Thursday my friend and I dropped in quickly to the workshop hotel saying hello to some mutual friends and I kind of choked up because I got to meet my good online friend Ashavan for the first time after talking almost daily for more than 4 years, what an awesome feeling.
Friday brought a very early morning and the first day of the Dreamspinner Workshop which I was invited to attend. Wonderful to meet up with familiar author friends…getting and giving hugs all around and meeting new faces.
I saw some wonderful presentations that day starting with the opening by the phenomenal CEO Elizabeth North with included as a highlight a very fascinating and interesting workshop on Marketing by the wonderful Poppy Dennison. There was also an authors Q&A which I think should have been attended by all authors because the line up of different authors ( Rhys Ford, SJD Peterson , Jamie Fessenden, Brandon Witt & Charlie Cochet) had some great answers and responses! Also new authors got a chance to ask any questions that they had directly to the Dreamspinner staff (Elizabeth North, Lynn West, Anne Regan).
After a wonderful dinner with friends Ash and Shae Connor, it was time for cocktails at the reception….which was very nice and included some lovely conversation with a couple of authors…Brandon Witt, Lane Hayes , C Jane Elliott to name a few.
Saturday I decided to take a break in the morning and arrived at lunch time after being picked up by Max Vos who came to the hotel to catch up with some friends. We had a wonderful lunch with the wonderful and talented B.A. Tortuga, Julia Talbot, Kiernan Kelly and the incredibly talented A.J. Corza.
This was followed by a fascinating panel on social media by DSP’s Naomi Grant. I hugged and talked some more and changed for dinner that night in my friends bedroom.
At the Saturday night dinner it was wonderful to chat and laugh, hearing authors being enthusiastic about receiving their writing goals, getting prizes and making new goals for next year. Miss Elizabeth North forced me to also write down a goal so we will see if I (Love Bytes) make that goal a reality!!!
It was wonderful to see people having fun and talking to them as Dani, just simply Dani…not as the blog owner. I was touched standing there and realizing that the lady in charge was indeed right, it is a family. I felt special being a part of that and I want to take a quick moment to thank Elizabeth North for the invitation to be a part of it and for every single author / person there who made me feel very much a part of it and very welcome.
I can list so many authors here that I loved to see again or to meet for the first time, the wonderful hugs and quick chats…many of whom I already mentioned in these two posts before and I cannot list them all! But I think the pictures in the album on Facebook say enough.
( you can find the pictures on my Facebook page in the album there )
I have to say it was hard looking at Facebook Saturday and seeing everybody so excited for the sign up for GRL in October. It even made me doubt…and to see if there was a way I could spring it. That was until I saw the flights. Even if I could spring the flight and the hotel, the flight would take me there in 3 different planes…taking me 16 to 20 hours each way! That is a bit much even for me, for a couple of days. I am sure I will be back in the USA somewhere in 2017 but unfortunately not this year I hope everyone will have a blast and I will sure miss my friends who are going….
Thankfully I am very busy with the organization of Eurocon in Berlin in June and we are already talking about 2017
Chances are still in the air if I will be at the UK Meet but there is still hope
I also would like to take a moment to say I am so lucky that Love Bytes is such a great team. If you want to join this team…send me a message on
To the authors sending us your requests for review. Thank you! We feel honored you want us to read and review your books. We try our best to accommodate the requests but it might take a while before we get to them.
The advertisement spaces are slowly filling up for the next few months so if you would like to have your ad shown on our blog page please make sure to reach out to me at, and I will be happy to inform you of the rates and the info you would like to receive
Congrats to our Book of the Month winners for the month of February 2016,that were announced this weekend.
And to finish up this post I want to announce that Love Bytes is celebrating our 3 year anniversary in the beginning of April! And YES, we will do a celebration including lots of Giveaways!
I am in the middle of getting things organized and I am overwhelmed by the support I am receiving.
So stay in touch to get updated on that
Have a wonderful week and till the next time,
hugs Dani x
No offense intended, honestly, but do you not have autocorrect or spellcheck? Reading “saterday” instead of “Saturday”, and the words “anniversary”, “receiving”, “accommodate”, “overwhelmed” (and more), incorrectly spelled had me disbelieving this post was written by a blog owner. Sorry, but it really only takes a minute to proofread before posting, and most devices alert you of misspelled words.
Dani, I am very thankful for your blog. You and your fellow reviewers produce reviews and articles of a very high standard. I check your blog every day.
I also enjoy your comment pieces. Please keep contributing them!
As a native speaker of English, I can assure you that your written English is fluid, natural and a pleasure to read. We all make the odd typo here and there. I didn’t even notice any that were in your blog post.
Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! I look forward to see what you’re working on to celebrate it. Three years is a long time to devote yourself (and your crew) to such a huge undertaking and as an author, a contributor, a subscriber, and a reader I am immensely impressed and thrilled that you do what you do. Keep up the great work! <3
Wow. This post is COMPLETELY re-worked; spellcheck ran, paragraphs added, sentences restructured. Amazing to find a totally different post from the original that I commented on. I’d wanted to show my father, but now it’s an entirely different piece. I’m glad though, and it should’ve been presented this way in the first place. Nobody is in THAT much of a hurry to not give a globally-read post a once-over before publishing it. Thanks for noting that changes were made at the top. Everyone has an off day now and then, but when you’re dealing with the internet and world-wide audiences, one has to be extra diligent. I love this blog and refer it to my friends. Keep up the GOOD work.