Ending a Series

I’m always a happy/ sad moment when a series comes to an end.  By that time I have spent a huge number of hours with the characters who make up that world and they are like family to me.  I’ve followed their ups and downs over the course of writing many stories and now their lives will stop in a way.  I won’t be visiting them again and they will be happy.  I also have top admit that after a while I’m always afraid that a series will not stay fresh.  After writing four, five, or even six stories in a series, sometimes ideas that are new and creative become hard to come by and its time to say goodbye.  As a writer visiting old friends is wonderful, but sometimes moving on to new ones is special as well.  So with Love Comes to Light, we bid goodbye to the Senses series.  But new friends are on the way.




Artist Arik Bosler is terrified he might have lost his creative gift in the accident that left his hand badly burned. When he’s offered the chance to work with renowned artist Ken Brighton, Arik fears his injury will be too much to overcome.

He travels to Pleasanton to meet Ken, where he runs into the intimidating Reg Thompson. Reg, a biker who customizes motorcycles, is a big man with a heart of gold who was rejected by most of his family. Arik is initially afraid of Reg because of his size. However it’s Reg’s heart that warms Arik’s interest and gets him to look past the exterior to let down his guard.

But Arik soon realizes that certain members of Reg’s motorcycle club are into things he can’t have any part of. Reg can’t understand why Arik disappears until he learns Arik’s injury was the result of his father’s drug activity. Though neither Reg nor Arik wants anything to do with drugs, the new leadership of Reg’s club might have other ideas.


Purchase an advance copy:  http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=7544

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