While I’ve been pounding away at the keyboard, Timmy brings you Part IV of Raidean’s story, “Because It’s Freeing.” If you haven’t read Parts I, II, and III yet, you can find them here. Thank you for writing this wonderful, heartfelt story and for educating us, Timmy. I hope authorship always remains a part of your life. Well done!
God my head is pounding. As I roll over in bed, I’m sure it’s going to explode. Jez, how much did I drink last night? WHAT did I drink last night? Whatever it was I never ever want it again. I’m not a big drinker. As a matter of fact, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve drank at all, and I have never been so drunk I had a hangover the next day. I feel like there is a demon in my head trying to burst out. I need to pee, but I’m scared to get out of bed, or move at all for that matter. I groan as I move slowly to sit up. I have to sit for a minute because I think I’m about to see what I drank last night if I move again. I take a few deep breaths to try to settle my stomach and slowly get up and make it to the bathroom. After I finish, I decide to take a hot shower. Once I’m in the shower, I remember yesterday as the hot water works its magic and wakes me up….
Yazmin really opens up and tells me about herself, it’s surprising to me because I always hold so much of myself in. I’m not used to this level of openness, but I like it. It’s refreshing. She talks about her life before college. She’s from a small town like me, but unlike me her parents are very wealthy. Not that that helped shield her from the bullies in her school. She was bullied daily. They took it to the extreme. Like one time a guy she had a crush on invited her to a school dance. She bought a dress and got her hair done, and she was so shocked that he DID pick her up. The problem is he drove her six miles out of town and left her at the lake. Just left her there! That asshole! Unlike my parents, her parents are very supportive of her. They taught her not to hide who she is and not to be ashamed of herself. I admit to feeling a little jealous about that. How different would my life be now if my parents had been more supportive and hadn’t tried to hide me away? She’s so strong and brave. I can’t help wondering if she would be that strong if she had had parents like mine.
She says her parents rent a small two-bedroom apartment for her a few blocks away from campus. The deal they gave her is they would pay all the rent for two months, but after that if she hadn’t found a roommate, she would have to pay half the rent and utilities herself. She said she worked a part-time job to save up in case she couldn’t find someone she could handle living with and had to pay her half. I remember her giving me a little look when she told me this, like she was sizing me up. I almost felt like I was getting fitted for a new suit or something. I didn’t say much and just let her keep talking. Her voice is so soothing, and it had really helped me calm down at this point. Oddly enough Taylor and his words weren’t even on my mind anymore. She will never know how grateful I am for that reprieve.
She has a boyfriend also. I think my chin hit the table when she said he was a football player. I mean really? College is so not like high school. In high school a girl like Yazmin would never be dating a football player. His name is Xavi. She even wrote it out for me because she said she loves the way it’s spelled. It sounds like Havey. Anyway, that’s how our little table was brought to her attention. Xavi was with Marc when he came in, so she was curious who we were when the guys took off. She said she was going to the party at The House and she would love if I came with her.
That’s when I decided that this was my chance. My chance to not hide anymore. It was the chance I needed to tell her about me. If I planned to move in with her, she would need to know, and let’s face it, I really wanted to move in with her. The freedom that would give me makes me ache with want. My own room? My freedom away from Taylor? Yes please, sign me up! So I do it. I open my mouth and tell her my story. I tell her about being homeschooled and how I found out I was different. I tell her about the abuse I suffered at school and about the hospital trips. I tell her about our family moving because I was such a disgrace, and how I hid myself at my new school. I tell her about Taylor, how nervous I was to tell him about me, and what his response to the news was. I just lay it all out there and tell her everything. When I was done and I finally looked up at her face, I saw not disgust, but tears. I was ready to run because I didn’t need her pity, but something stopped me. She leaned over and grabbed my hand and said, “We are so lucky to have found each other. Just remember after you move in, I don’t clean bathrooms.” She smiled so big, and I didn’t even know she COULD smile! That’s how I ended up planning a big move. But before that, we were going to go to the party and we were going to get wasted! Apparently, that’s exactly what I did. Continue reading here.
Raidean’s Story ©2015 Timmy Ashton. All Rights Reserved.
See you back here on Thursday, December 17th!
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Thanks for continuing this story. Raidean is a wonderful character and Yazmin seems like she will be great, too. I hope she turns out to be a good friend to Raidean.
Thanks for taking the time to read Raidean’s story.
<3 Timmy
This is such a good story, and Raidean is a wonderful character. Thank you for writing it, Timmy. I look forward to reading the next instalment!
Raidean’s thoughts are so well written – so real. I love how excited he is to make his own decisions and had to laugh at the party after effects. This is such a great chapter! Thank you Timmy
Thanks Sara. I can say from experience that coming out of one’s shell is scary, but also exciting.
<3 Timmy
Thank you Aniko, and thank you for reading it.
<3 Timmy
Another great chapter, Timmy. The story flows so well and you always leave us wondering what happens next. I’m so happy to see the inner strength developing in Raidean. How he is coming into his own and accepting himself for the thoughtful, loving, and beautiful person that he is. No longer allowing others to define him. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us.
Thank you so much. This story, like the one’s before it wouldn’t be what they are without all your help. You are a great beta reader and editor. Thank you for helping me tell Raidean’s story.
<3 Timmy
<3 <3 <3
There is true growth happening in Raidean, I love how he takes his own stage. Well done, Timmy! <3
He is growing, and though there is still going to be obstacles and rough patches, I’m see him grow and enjoy life more. I can’t wait to continue writing his story and show you guys what an awesome person Raidean it.
<3 Timmy