So some catching up and looking forward
In two weeks I will be on a plane to San Diego for GRL (GayRomLit), wow time went fast!
I am excited to see old friends, new friends, familiar faces & new faces.
I am looking forward to meeting one of my first online friends in RL for the first time after more then 7 years of friendship
Looking forward to seeing something of San Diego when I am there ( still seriously unsure of what to do in the 2.5 days that i have time to do so, so any tips feel welcome! )
Also as one of the organizers of this wonderful event, we were ecstatic to finally announce the official date for Euro Pride Con in 2016 in Berlin, which will be held june 10-11.
Did you also notice the addition of our new team members?
Alexander who has been doing some great audiobook reviews for Love Bytes and Kat who joined our team a little while ago. If you also are interested in reviewing and joining a wonderful team feel free to contact me (we would love to have people who are interested in f/f and audiobooks for example).
As for the authors there are a few spots left for the upcoming months to place an ad at our blog page. Are you interested in showing off you beautiful cover for a very nice price, drop me a mail at:
Some funny and great things that happened this last weeks. It is the best thing to get compliments and appreciation for your blog. Our team works hard here to keep things running and up to date and accesible and to get some appreciation is wonderful. A few parts of messages I got in the last week:
An author saying “this was the best review , with a low rating I got :)”
A reader who mailed me saying thanks for the giveaway and the wonderful things you do on Love Bytes
An author saying “You’re the one we work with like this because you do run such a clean, well managed blog. It’s decent and honest, no fighting.”
An organizer asking for a blog stop, and when you come back that you are already double booked, asking to please put it in anyway.
A reader mentioning the reviews on your blog are so diverse and well done.
An author thanking Love Bytes for the wonderful review on his/her book.
Let me tell you, this is worth so much this makes a blog, a blog owner, and his or her team glow with pride and accomplishment
A blog is a great deal of work and we don’t get money off it. We get the books and read and review them because we like to do it, because we love what we do and to share that pleasure en enjoyment.
If you think it is easy please think again because you can hardly begin to imagine what is envolved and is required in maintaining a blog / blog page so getting the appreciation means so much. I just wanted to share some of my toughts on that.
As I have done before “If you have something you would like to see on Love Bytes, or some ideas / wishes, please leave a comment or send me a mail on; I promise I will get back to you
Also a little something I thought of when I read some things on social media and some of my own experiences in the last months. Opposite of the m/f blogger world, which I understand is pretty competative and not really friendly in various situations, the M/M blogger world is a solid group of mostly friends or good acquintances with shared respect and communication, something you might want to think of and/or remember
Till next time ,
Hugs Dani
I’m one of those readers that love your blog. I love to follow the reviews and guest post and of course the great giveaway’s and i really appreciate everything you and everyone that is involved in Love Bytes do to maintain such an amazing site
So a big thank you
I hope you have fun at the GRL and enjoy some sight-seeing in San Diego , i never been there so sadly no tips from me.