Cover Reveal for Tasting Notes

The last few months have passed in a blur. Swiftly on the heels of returning to my old job after mat leave, I started back at the hospital. It makes me happy, but the other side of the coin is that I’m left with a lot less time for reading and writing. I haven’t had a moment to think about my upcoming releases, but the final cover for Tasting Notes arrived in my inbox just a few days ago, and so I thought I would share with you.

Anna Sikorska, who is immensely talented, designed it for me and I am just in love with it.



There’s nothing that can’t be solved over a glass of excellent wine.

Joseph “West” Weston has paid for his wealth and success with long hours at the office and no personal life to speak of. Meetings, conference calls, and paperwork dominate his waking hours and have kept him from honoring the promise he made to his late grandfather years before.

After leaving the Marines, Robert “Rush” Coeman returns to his hometown and settles in as a Christmas tree farmer. His life is quiet and simple, and he likes it that way. When West arrives in town and buys Rush’s parents’ vineyard on a whim, that simple life is turned upside down. The animosity between them is palpable, but Rush shelves his preconceived notions in order to protect his parents’ legacy. He agrees to help West learn how to run the vineyard, and Rush soon realizes that love doesn’t necessarily come in the package he expected.


Tasting Notes will be available from Dreamspinner Press on October 26th.

2 Responses

  1. Angela
    Angela at |

    The cover looks good! And the blurb sounds really good to, i definitely look forward to october 26th.

  2. cateashwood
    cateashwood at |

    Thanks, Angela!


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