6 Responses

  1. Lavender Wynter
    Lavender Wynter at |

    It’s awesome to know that 7am isn’t too early to start the hunt for Henley’s Guest Posts. =D

    Lately, My Beta and I have gotten into lengthy discussions about plot lines. He tends to read non-fiction more than the fiction, and it certainly makes it difficult for me to write a story that has me omitting or just flat out ignoring some of the most common things in a given situation, setting, or people. There have been a few times where we end up in a stand-off on why I wrote certain things a certain way and not to his logic/thinking. XD

    I believe, as writers, we should have the flexibility of ignoring or paying attention to elements as we choose to achieve a purpose. If the intent of the story is to mildly (or severely) educate about reality/events around us at large, then I think it’s important for factual things to get included and let those events shape the story.

    However, if it’s supposed to be strictly for entertainment – which I think most erotic fiction is, I think it may be best to just go with what the writer puts out in front of people. It’s the writer’s story. Let him/her tell it as it is, methinks. =)

    Thank you for posting (AF Henley), hosting (Love Bytes), and submitting a question (Frost)! =D

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      Absolutely. If the (for example) historical element of a story is paramount to what you’re trying to say then by all means make sure every part of that history is accurate and precise. However, that being said, I’m pretty sure the X-Men weren’t truly and honestly part of WW2 and it still makes for a great story.

      On a side note, having a beta reader that leans towards factual isn’t a bad thing. I’ve more than once broached a subject with my beta saying something along the lines of ‘I have no idea how this really works’ and then letting him tell me so I can implement some ideas. I’m not sure if I’d be able to tolerate an actual stand-off/argument over one of the features of my stories, however. You are a much more patient person than I am. XD

      Thanks for reading! I’m glad you enjoyed it. <3

  2. drawboy
    drawboy at |

    Research is an awesome and fun way to get a project under way! 😀

    It is great to serve as a guide, to strengthen an idea or bring inspiration. But it can only be that.

    The best source for an idea is the human mind. An idea that is like a raw diamond and research can help to refine it. While sometimes it is also important to get information to do some background things the right way, it can not be allowed to dictate the course of a story or a characters nature. That is the author’s job. And if it means to tweak things to serve the story then this is the way it should be done. Novels are a creative work and are fiction and writing is art. That requires a free spirit. 🙂

    Research is also an evil thing. XD How often did I start with ”What would this look like under certain lighting conditions?” and end up with ”Wow! These two guys look hot together!” XD

    Thank you very much for another wonderful and very entertaining post! The question that sparked it was well thought of and thank you, lovebythereviews, for hosting this post! 😀

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      What an awesome comment, thank you! <3

  3. Jack Frost
    Jack Frost at |

    That might be the problem with my method. I just start writing a general idea and research ideas as I think I’ll need them. xD

    An excellently written article describing your process. You’ve answered my question beautifully.

    Now, just because I’m hawked up meds.

    *Fan boy scream* He mentioned my name in two different articles. *faints*

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      You’re very welcome! Some people do it for the money, some for the fame, I do it for the fan boy screams. 😀

      In all honesty though, you really have to do what works for you. Give it a shot, see if it helps, and if it doesn’t don’t be afraid to try something else. The most important thing is that you keep writing. <3


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