12 Responses

  1. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    Hear, hear! Strong hopes that we, as a country, take a step forward and not backward. Thanks for the post.

    1. andrewqgordon
      andrewqgordon at |

      Thanks Jen. I’m certainly hopeful that we take that step forward. My guess is one way or the other we’ll have equality – either they’ll make say they have to under the 14th Amendment – Equal Protection, or they’ll say each stay may decide whether to issue marriage licenses (so those bans will be upheld) but under the full faith and credit clause those states that don’t allow gay marriage have to accept ALL marriages from ALL states. The effect of that is LGBT people will be able to go to those states that allow it and have it recognized in those states that don’t. So it’ll be a back handed way of doing it. (I suspect that is what will happen so the conservatives can save face – but that’s just my opinion based on nothing empirical.)

      Thanks again.


  2. Allison
    Allison at |

    I want to say that this IS going to happen because it seems like it should have already happened but I’ve frequently been disappointed. I have high hopes and expectations however.

    1. andrewqgordon
      andrewqgordon at |


      Me too. I’ve had too many near misses that I’m not going to believe it until I read the decision.

  3. Cody Kennedy
    Cody Kennedy at |

    Fantastic post, Andrew.

    1. andrewqgordon
      andrewqgordon at |

      Thanks Cody and thanks for the share.

  4. RAL
    RAL at |

    Hope Springs Eternal. It breaks my heart that the hate mongers exist and are supported. States vote for marriage equality and then you have elected officials who pass or try to pass hate laws. This makes me think of Nazi Germany. They went after one group but it had nothing to do with me so I didn’t open my mouth then they came after me and there was no one left to speak up for me. This is an equality issue and it doesn’t matter that the center of it is for marriage equality for everyone. To me it is about discrimination against a group of people. I agree, this should have already have happened, especially since these same haters were probably against interracial marriages before this. (And don’t get me started with the tag days for the bakers, the pizza and the flower-makers!) You made good points Andy. Okay, now about the Ferris Wheels..LOL!

    1. andrewqgordon
      andrewqgordon at |

      Thanks Randi,

      It is absolutely about more than Marriage. Because this doesn’t affect them or their marriage on iota. In fact, it helps everyone because we’ll end up paying more taxes if we get married. The Gov of Arizona recently overturned the ban on gay couple adopting saying there are so many kids that need homes that ALL qualified homes need to be considered. This fight against Marriage Equality has never been about marriage, it’s been about giving us any rights at all because once we are recognized, it is so much more difficult to discriminate against us. That’s why they’ve shifted this to ‘Infringing on our religious freedom’ as their argument. So ridiculous.

      And about those Ferris Wheel – hey, it’s no more crazy than the other things they’re saying is it?

  5. Z.Allora
    Z.Allora at |

    Well done. I’m sharing this in my SC Rainbow Support Group.
    Hugs, Z.

    1. andrewqgordon
      andrewqgordon at |

      Thanks Z. I appreciate it. 🙂

  6. Ashavan Doyon
    Ashavan Doyon at |

    I know both Roberts and Kennedy both sometimes play devils advocate, but listening to the arguments was rather depressing. It felt like they were warring with wanting to keep discrimination in place just because “it’s always been that way”

    reminds me of when the gay marriage fight came to Massachusetts and suddenly all the homophobes you didn’t know about reared their heads and my husband and I were forced to recognize that MA wasn’t quite as progressive as we thought.

  7. Joseph Lance Tonlet
    Joseph Lance Tonlet at |

    Awesome post, Andrew!

    The hubz and I celebrated our 28th anniversary a few months ago by getting married (we live in CA). Not something I ever thought would be possible for us. #marriageequality

    JLT =)


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