5 Responses

  1. Raine
    Raine at |

    Re getting cat off blanket – open Frontline ampule and duck….
    Re love interest – please finally give my favourite dreadfully sexually frustrated poet Gerard Hopkins a really good time…..he died in 1889 so the history is stretchable perhaps?

    Thanks for the story I am enjoying it.

  2. Pam/Peejakers
    Pam/Peejakers at |

    Haha, I love this, you keep making me laugh 😀 And, on Jack the Ripper, I *knew* it was him, because he said “Boss” 😉

    Hm, well, it strikes me that it’s getting more & more difficult to make suggestions. Because, at this point, you’ve already got stuff in mind that limits the direction the story can go. But it’s hard (for me, anyway) to come up with random ideas that are not tied to a story, because it’s sort of only in imagining the story that the details reveal themselves. If we give you story you have to scrap because it contradicts what you’ve already got planned, you can sort of cannibalize characters & interesting details, but it basically just more props & scenery to decorate the stage, so to speak, doesn’t move the story forward.

    That said, not sure how else to do this, so here goes: I still like the idea that his love interest is a pathologically shy scientist, programmer, even an engineer of sorts, presumably from the future who has retreated to the past for some reason. Maybe he wrote the program or invented the technology or process that resulted in the far-in-the-future time where there are no bodies but only thoughts, but later realized its potential for harm & tried to sabotage it only it had sort of become “self-aware” & tried to kill him in self-defense, forcing him to flee into the past? Or maybe he’s a whistle blower who learned the truth about the technology before it went live but was thwarted in stopping it by its creator(s).

    I’m trying to think of why someone would want a world in which there are only thoughts & ideas, divorced of people. Maybe that’s something you might want if you don’t have a physically functioning body & can communicate only thru your mind & technology, ala Stephen Hawking. Or, maybe thoughts & ideas *themselves* achieve self-awareness through – something like virtual reality, or the internet, & sort of “declare their independence” from the restrictions of physical bodies?

    Ooh, another thought, since ideas are “weapons”, maybe instead of being a scientist or programmer or engineer, the extremely shy love interest is . . . . a writer! 🙂

    He doesn’t necessarily have to be from the future, he could be from the Victorian era, or any era, from further in the past, or some intermediate point between the Victorian era & Jamie’s time. And his writing is possibly a weapon they can use in the war of ideas? Hee, maybe he even wrote some of the pornography! I sort of like the idea of pathologically shy writer of pornography 🙂 But maybe that doesn’t make sense, if the love interest, as well as Jamie, is supposed to be on the ACE spectrum?

    As for how they meet, I feel like Mary has to have some sort of connection with the love interest guy. She works with him or they are friends or she’s related to him. Or, maybe it’s the cat who brings them together. Whenever he shows up. Maybe he shows up *with* the cat?

    As for other times they could visit, hm, well, some interesting eras are The Roaring Twenties, the 1950’s, the 1960’s. Or you could go the other direction, further back in time.

    Oh, hey, may you could take them back to the 17th century at some point & somehow involve the John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester 😉 He is a poet, after all, goes with the war of ideas.

    As for how to get the cat off the blanket – catnip? Make bird sounds? Turn a dog loose in the room? Or a mouse? Throw a bucket of water on him?

  3. Beverley Jansen
    Beverley Jansen at |

    Good grief – disembodied evil empire and wank banks as weapons – love it! Pam Faste has boggled my mind so I’ll just drop in some small ideas. I like the idea of Jamie’s love interest being a shy writer but rather than porn maybe they can have a time-travel adventure to Ancient Greece where shy, pretty, androgynous looking writer, Plato composes love poetry of the romantic and abstract variety – no porn ( in Greece!! 😉 ) as it holds no real interest for him. The prostitute and Jamie travel to find Plato (?), as they discover that the ideal and idea of a pure ‘unsullied’ love is the ultimate weapon against the Empire! (Play on the modern interpretation of Platonic Love) – maybe before Plato they can visit Byron and win a major battle with She Walks in Beauty!

    Maybe cat could be chased from Blanket and into action by digital dog!

    1. Pam/Peejakers
      Pam/Peejakers at |

      Haha, I definitely boggle my own mind sometimes BJ, though not always in a good way 😛

      But omg, “digital dog” & winning a battle with She Walks in Beauty, you’ve boggled mine now too!

      And the Platonic idea makes total sense 🙂

      1. Beverley Jansen
        Beverley Jansen at |

        Thank you Pam 🙂


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