9 Responses

  1. Carissa
    Carissa at |

    I am really looking forward to reading (and reviewing) this book. I was definitely in the ‘you have to give us a sequel’ camp. And have a feeling I’m going to be just as desperate to read the third one.

    And can I just say that he cover to this book is bloody beautiful. I totally fell in love with it the moment I saw it.

  2. Mia Kerick
    Mia Kerick at |

    Thank you for hosting me on your awesome site and for asking me such thoughtful questions!!

  3. Mia Kerick
    Mia Kerick at |

    Carissa- I fell in love with the cover to. And the book three cover is GORGEOUS!!

  4. Kari
    Kari at |

    Maybe you can keep the couch in the garage, just in case the sectional changes your writing..

  5. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    So glad the boys are back!

  6. Suzanne Edwards
    Suzanne Edwards at |

    Wow! This book looks and sounds hot 🙂 The excerpt shows how strong the love and bond is with this throuple! I can’t wait to read it! Congrats on the new release Mia!

  7. Antonia
    Antonia at |

    I enjoyed Us Three and I’m looking forward to reading this one too!

  8. Jill Prand (@jprand)
    Jill Prand (@jprand) at |

    Can’t wait to read this!!

  9. lindsayb
    lindsayb at |

    Congratulations! I bought the first book about a week ago after seeing the gorgeous cover for this one. I’m looking forward to reading them both!


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