7 Responses

  1. Ami
    Ami at |

    I am a very rare MM reader who prefer less sex (or even fade-to-black sex) compared to numerous sex scenes. As an asexual, I don’t really ‘get’ sexual attraction anyway, so usually for me, sex scenes end up being a bit gimmicky. To me, romance are the things outside of physical intercourse. Sex is just part of it, but not all of it. So I totally agree if you say that balance and emotional context are important.

    1. Shira Anthony
      Shira Anthony at |

      Balance can definitely depend upon the reader as well, Ami. I’ve read some books that leave me cold because I thought there were too many sex scenes and not enough romance, but other readers thought those were the best books ever! It’s an interesting challenge for a writer. And that’s kind of fun, if you ask me! 😀

  2. Elin Gregory
    Elin Gregory at |

    I’m with Ami, here. Detailed ‘erotic’ sex scenes aren’t erotic to me. Too much detail reads the same to me as if the author was giving a room by room description of interior decoration, or how to replace a carburettor. I skip to try to find plot and if I can’t I DNF. But a scene that is essential to the plot, that tells me something I really need to know, can be as exciting as a car chase or knife fight. Mind you, I’m approaching these books as someone who had never read romance until discovering m/m so a lot of accepted romance tropes leave me cold. As for writing – I conform to the requirements of the genre but OMG it’s so difficult.

    1. Shira Anthony
      Shira Anthony at |

      I find the sex scenes some of the hardest to write, Elin, because they require an emotional connection I’m not always feeling when I’m sitting at my computer!

  3. Andrea M
    Andrea M at |

    Story and characters matter a lot more than sex in a book and there are too many times that sex gets in the way and ends up hijacking the story. When I first started reading mm I thought the sex was grand because it was new and different but it didn’t take me long to realize I needed a strong story more than pages full of creative gymnastics. The sex should be based on the story instead of the other way around.

    1. Shira
      Shira at |

      I’m definitely with you, Andrea!

  4. dusty273
    dusty273 at |

    Really agree with all you wrote here! Well said! (Mari)


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