5 Responses

  1. donnajones2014
    donnajones2014 at |

    Ahh, shit Roberta. I don’t think I can read it! I just reread The Return this weekend and I think I’ve cried my quota for the next few months 😉

  2. Andrea Goodell
    Andrea Goodell at |

    I also LOVE Brad’s stories! But I’ve only done them on audio so I’m patiently waiting for DSP to decide if they are releasing this on audio?!?
    Also, I’m a little disappointed in this cover 🙁 I LOVED his last two, esp. The Return, but this one, not at all… Makes me worried about the book.I never buy, cartoon, ani, style covers always turns out bad. So I’m glad you gave it a 5!

  3. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    Must read!

  4. Roberta C.
    Roberta C. at |

    donnajones2014-trust me…i’ve been there. I totally went in with my heart in my throat…but Brad knocked this out of the park!! Just AMAZING!! I was surprised that I didn’t cry like I thought I would, so you’re safe.

    Andrea…I know…I’m not a fan either. I love a picture on the cover, however, I knew that Brad wrote this book and he wouldn’t let me down.

    Laura…IT IS, Def!!!

  5. Jan V.
    Jan V. at |

    Such a wonderful review Roberta!! I,too,am a fangirl of Brad. He writes the BEST.BOOKS.EVER!!!!! I’m almost through with Eskimo Slugger and then I’m going to reread all three books again!!


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