3 Responses

  1. Donna
    Donna at |

    Loved the review and I hear you on the dolls. Creepy dolls are the wrongest of wrong things to ever be wrong. Just…nope.

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      I used to have a doll collection. Not of my own choice…just people in my family kept giving them to me. They would stand on this shelf over my bed and just stare at me all night. You have no idea what it is like to wake up to twenty dolls just staring at you.

      Needless to say, I no longer have a doll collection. Got rid of those freaking things the first opportunity i got.

  2. Elizabetta
    Elizabetta at |

    Great review Carissa! Yeah, those doll eyes follow you all around…


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