20 Responses

  1. Barbra
    Barbra at |

    I’ve never been to GRL, and I’ve never really been very far east. I don’t know about “funnest”, but several years ago we drove from Texas to Alaska. You really see a lot on a drive like that. 🙂

  2. Cornelia
    Cornelia at |

    I have not been to GRL. Some of the funniest things happen at home.

  3. Ardent Ereader
    Ardent Ereader at |

    I have not had the opportunity to attend GRL. To-date the ‘funnest’ place I have been to is Paris.

  4. Kim W
    Kim W at |

    I haven’t been to GRL. The funnest place I’ve traveled to was a wild animal park in Australia.

  5. kp
    kp at |

    I have never been to GRL. The funnest place I have been is to Switzerland!

  6. Stephanie F.
    Stephanie F. at |

    I haven’t been to GRL, but I’m eager to attend. Heard to so many great things about it. Funniest has to be ComiCon, I’ve went a few years and every time it is a trip. The people are hilarious and it’s always a blast.

  7. Trix
    Trix at |

    Have a wonderful time at GRL–I hope to go someday! I love London, Seattle, and San Francisco (where I’m visiting right now)…

  8. Jbst
    Jbst at |

    Never been to GRL. Can’t think of funniest place that I’ve traveled to.

  9. Lisa G
    Lisa G at |

    I’ve never been but they sound like loads of fun. Congrats on being a featured author this year. Hope you have a blast!

  10. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I’ve never been to GRL and I don’t know if I ever will. I don’t do very much traveling I’ve only been to Florida, Boston and New York (the last two close not too bad a drive from the state I live in). I can’t really say they were fun places to be either…

  11. Allison
    Allison at |

    Last year was my first GRL and I loved the author readings. But I tend to think the most fun place I’ve been is the next place I’m traveling to, I love to travel! 😀

  12. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    I’ve never been to GRL ….never really been anywhere funny either :\

  13. Jen CW
    Jen CW at |

    I haven’t been to a GRL yet, but I am going to make it to one soon. Funniest place I’ve been to was a trip I took with my best friend into South Dakota.

  14. DebraG
    DebraG at |

    I have not been but sure do want to.

  15. Penumbra
    Penumbra at |

    I haven’t been to GRL. The funnest place, I guess would have been London. I had wanted to travel to the UK for a long time.

  16. sherry1969
    sherry1969 at |

    I haven’t been to GRL and I really don’t have a funny place that I’ve traveled to. I’m somewhat of a homebody.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  17. stella
    stella at |

    I haven’t been to GRL! the funnest place I have been was an animals reserve.

  18. Ashley E
    Ashley E at |

    I haven’t been to GRL (yet. So excited!), but I had a lot of fun when I went overseas to Germany.

  19. Kejara
    Kejara at |

    Hi Charlie!!
    I havent been to GRL:((, but I had the best time of my life when I was studying for 6 months in Berlin…it’s my second home…Found all the freedom and peace I needed to finally be myself.


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