46 Responses

  1. Jamie
    Jamie at |

    Nice review and nice blog. I saw this title recently and absolutely have to read it. I’m glad you thought it was funny.

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      It does have a very dry sense of humor that agrees with me very well.

  2. hforsythe13
    hforsythe13 at |

    Oh. I def have to check this book out. 🙂

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      You really should. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Trix
    Trix at |

    Ooh, what a fab surprise, and the book sounds excellent! I actually don’t read a lot of fiction that isn’t m/m, but in the movies I kind of like the knife-thrower in the French THE GIRL ON THE BRIDGE. Oh, and I guess Atticus Finch (book and movie version of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD) will always be a crush-inducer! An m/m NORTH AND SOUTH, what a good idea…I’m amazed if no one has thought of it by now!

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      I know, right? Though in my head, making a m/m North and South usually becomes a game of ‘what guy do i want to see make out with Richard Armitage.’

  4. Brooklyn
    Brooklyn at |

    Loved your review. I’ve been on the fence about this book for a while so it really helped to read what you thought. I’m like you in that I never could get through the book, but the movie adaptations I always loved. So I may have to give this one a try after all.

    Besides m/m my favorite characters are Jamie and Claire from the Outlander series! Love that whole series!

    Congrats on your 100th review and thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      Thank you (and welcome). I have never read the Outlander series, but I have a few friends who have, and they really liked it.

  5. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    Thanks for the great review and congrats on your 100th! I loved that North and South miniseries, too. But my favorite hero is Colin Firth from the A & E mini series of – yes – Pride and Prejudice. I don’t even know how many times I have watched it.

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      Colin Firth is yummy (also a very good actor, and I love most of his stuff). I really like his P&P, though it takes a while to get thru. It doesn’t hurt that he look very very good when wet.

  6. Ashley E
    Ashley E at |

    The first character that jumped to my mind was (humph) m/m, sooo… and then I was just flooded. I narrowed it down though. Charles Cornick is my drool-worthy, all-around awesome-sauce, hero that I just can’t get enough of. Of course, I love Anna too, but sometimes I wish I could be her. 😀

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      Oh, I love that series. It is one of the few m/f series that I still follow. Also one of the very few books I have on audio, so I tend to listen to them a lot.

  7. A.J.
    A.J. at |

    Congrats on 100. One of my favorites is Colonel Brandon played by Alan Rickman in Sense and Sensibility. I confess I’ve never read the book, but its one of my favorite movies.

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      Snape! 😛

      I really like Alan Rickman in S&S as well. There is just something about his voice that kinda makes me want to curl up into a ball and purr.

  8. Rod B
    Rod B at |

    I also loved Thornton from North and South.

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      The dude is master at the whole eye-pining thing. And when he says “Look back. Look back at me.”…ugh, i just absolutely melt.

      I have actually read the book by Gaskell, but I still love the miniseries more. Due in no small part to Richard Armitage.

  9. Hannah B.
    Hannah B. at |

    Hi Carissa, great review. I am adding Pride and modern prejudice to my TBR list. I would probably choose Sir Lancelot as one of my favorite heros in literature and if I could a heroine I would choose Lisbeth Salander from Steig Larsson’s Girl with a dragon tattoo. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      Arthurian legends…yeah, they go into the list of books I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. The stories are good, the first couple times you see/read them, but dear lord, it gets old fast. Nothing against Lancelot and his buddies of the circle jerk…er, table…but I prefer to stay as far away from Camelot as humanly possible. (unless we are talking about Merlin fanfics…then I am all in).

      Girl with a dragon tattoo is on tbr list, but to be fair, it is rather far down there since it is not something I would normally read. someday i will get to it. probably.

  10. michelle
    michelle at |

    Congrats on the 100th review! I too love P&P so I’ll be snapping this book up.

    My fave book hero? Agree with whoever said it earlier… Atticus Finch. I’ve adored him (and Mockingbird) since I was 15.
    My fave m/m? Ty Grady and Zane Garrett (who can choose?) from Cut and Run series. Great question- I’ve been enjoying the answers.

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      Ty and Zane were some of my first m/m loves. I am so far behind on the series though.

      (and I have been enjoying the answers as well.)

  11. Lisa G
    Lisa G at |

    This sounds fun! I’d love to read a m/m take on P&P. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      You’re welcome, Lisa. And I do like it when they take something I love and give me two hot guys to drool over.

  12. Andrea Goodell
    Andrea Goodell at |

    Colin Firth in P and P for sure. Too many MM hero to say you one! my current obsession is God and Day from A.e Via books.

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      I had a feeling Colin Firth was going to pop up a lot in the comments. I haven’t read those book by Via…though I have heard some good things about them.

  13. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    wow! 100 reviews…awesome work!

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      lol. I owe it less to ‘work’ and more to an incurable addiction to reading books. Plus, if it was work, I might actually get paid, and then the world would implode, pigs would fly, and i’d be able to speak french w/o going into convulsions. I’ll settle for a pile of good books, a lack of sleep, and more coffee than a girl really ought to consume.

  14. Antonia
    Antonia at |

    Thanks for a great review! Don’t tell anyone but I agree with you about the book Pride & Prejudice – boring to read but I love the story. Congratulations on 100 reviews and thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      I feel bad admitting to it, because god only knows how many times, in those stupid ‘getting to know you’ portions of starting new classes, we were asked to name our favorite author/book and I totally said Jane Austen. (I absolutly hate that question by the way. Like who can choose?) Anyways that question is less about who your favorite really is, and more about ‘name the most pretentious book you have heard of so you can one-up the other english majors’. ah…uni, how I don’t miss you.

  15. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Congrats on writing and reviewing 100 books/stories. That’s a wonderful feat.

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      I must admit, sadly, that my feet are absolutely average. lol.

      (Thanks a lot)

  16. Samantha
    Samantha at |

    Hmm. Heroes outside of M/M… I don’t know. I guess I would say maybe Merlin & Arthur, if they count. I just love the legends. Though, I do have a theory they were gay together 😉 So… I may be cheating, but whatever! Works for me =D

    Congrats on 100! and thank you for the opportunity!

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      Merlin and Arthur were so gay for each other! (granted I am basing all my evidence off of the fanfics i have read from the show Merlin, but evidence is evidence!)

  17. Taya
    Taya at |

    Thanks for nice reviews. It has really help me make my decision on whether to read it now or save it for later. Congratulations on 100th review.

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      Always glad to be of help. *tips top hat*

  18. Birte
    Birte at |

    I’m probably the only person on this planet who’s never read or even watched Pride and Prejudice. Simply because I’m so not interested in it. Or better said, wasn’t interested, because I’m definitely going to read this one 🙂

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      for shame, for shame. lol

      I admit there must be a few like you out there, but for me my love for the 19th century has been living strong since the beginning. I think i go out of my way to read/watch this stuff. I think it is the fancy suits that the guys wear. They make me want to undress them with my teeth and then lick them from top to toe. Well…maybe not the toes.

  19. Kim W
    Kim W at |

    Congrats on the 100th review. I am a terrible review writer. I have a few on GR but they are usually a few inarticulate sentences.

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      you’d be surprised how many of my reviews start off as inarticulate sentences. I just keep writing till i hit something salvageable (and then erase all the evidence that I was unable to string a coherent sentence together). So really my secret all boils down to the ability to delete.

  20. Kitten
    Kitten at |

    Beautiful review. Never read/watched P & P but from your review I find it interestingly enough to add to my TBR.
    Congrats on your 100th!

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      actually not having read/watched P&P might be a bonus if you read this. it means you are less likely to know what is going to happen so you can just enjoy it as it comes along. There is definitely a bonus to seeing how things changed from the original story, but the downside of that is you pretty much know all the major plot points before they even happen.

  21. Jbst
    Jbst at |

    Congrats on reaching your 100th review!!
    I enjoyed your review on this book since I’ve watched many of the P&P film and TV versions, besides having read the book.

    The hero that I would choose would be Faramir from Lord of the Rings, so noble, courageous etc yet so unappreciated by his father.

  22. Carissa
    Carissa at |

    Yes, Faramir. One of my favorite dudes from LoTR. I think it is pretty much a tie between him and Eomir. Not that I would reject any of those guys from my bed (in this hypothetical world where i somehow got them there w/o resorting to multiple felonies) but those two really have a good backstory going on.

  23. Barbra
    Barbra at |

    I agree with several others, Atticus Finch has always been my hero. I read To Kill A Mockingbird the first time when I was 10 years old (didn’t have a real knowledge of “rape”, just knew it was bad) and have probably read it 40 times over the years. At first he sounded like the perfect father, then later the perfect husband. 🙂

    1. Carissa
      Carissa at |

      I clearly need to this out at some point. I’m apparently missing out on something.


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