The Best Part of Porn Star Covers

The very best moment of the process surrounding porn star covers is that first moment when they see their picture on the cover of a paperback for the very first time. Tonight, I got to see a friend that I love dearly. Not only did I get to spend time with him and his boyfriend, but got to witness this very thing. As I stood in the bar with Jake Driver at the OutlantaCon hotel bar, I handed him a copy of Monsters, and his reaction was priceless.

To see himself on the cover was a dream come true for him, and for me. He’s been a part of my life for a few years now, and though we don’t get to see each other nearly as often as either of us would like, our friendship is strong.

Master Ethan is a very special character to me. As I’ve mentioned in several interviews, he is the culmination of my own experiences getting into BDSM and my own questions about my sexuality after childhood sexual abuse. He’s very special to me. So, having a man walk into my life who is the physical embodiment of Master Ethan kind of rocked my world. The fact that he was sweet, sexy, and deviantly funny just put a cherry on top of that big ol’ leather-clad sundae.

So, in the hotel at which we shot those very pictures, he got to hold their final product in his hand, and I got to see the beautiful smile break across his face at the accomplishment.

Best. Day. Ever.

4 Responses

  1. Dorome
    Dorome at |

    Now, i really want to see the cover. Which book is it?

    1. J.p. Barnaby
      J.p. Barnaby at |

      The book is called In the Absence of Monsters. It’s on Amazon and Wilde City. 🙂

      1. Dorome
        Dorome at |

        Thank you! I will check it out!

  2. arella3173
    arella3173 at |

    Aw, this is so sweet! LOL..
    I’m so gonna try to get my hands on this book! >o<


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