8 Responses

  1. Virtual Writers (@virtualwriters)

    Thanks for being a part of the tour. The new blog looks fab!.

  2. susanmacnicol
    susanmacnicol at |

    Thanks once again for hosting me on your lovely new blog. I loved the post and as always, it’s a hoot being here 🙂

  3. Cornelia
    Cornelia at |

    The book sounds really good. I like to read reviews when considering books to buy.

  4. Lisa G
    Lisa G at |

    Susan Mac Nicol has quickly become a favorite author of mine. I have loved Stripped Bare, Saving Alexander and Worth Keeping. Can’t wait to read this one as well.

    1. susanmacnicol
      susanmacnicol at |

      I’m so pleased I’m on your favourites list, Lisa. I hope you enjoy Double Alchemy too ♥

  5. Trix
    Trix at |

    I’ve been looking forward to this one

  6. Su
    Su at |

    I am currently reading one of this author’s other titles, ‘Worth Keeping’, which deals with continuing impact and emotional damaged caused by child abuse and the healing journey of two lost and hurt souls. It has so far been an emotional read, but I would recommend it to others who enjoy a more in depth read with their romance. Double Alchemy, Waiting for Rain and Saving Alexander are next on my reading list.
    Not only is it a good read, but it was also a fair price and has a decent number of pages (though I would not complain if it the books were longer:-), thus giving enough time for character and romance development.

    1. susanmacnicol
      susanmacnicol at |

      Hi Su I’m so pleased you’re enjoying Worth Keeping. I’m also glad you think it was a worthwhile buy, that’s always good to hear too. Oh and that my other books are on your TBR list! Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me know how you were doing. 🙂


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