Blog Tour : Not in the Stars by Angel Martinez, Freddy Mackay, Toni Griffin, Mathilde Watson


Title : Not in the Stars

Authors: Angel Martinez, Freddy Mackay, Toni Griffin, Mathilde Watson


Since the dawn of human expression, man has gazed up at the heavens in wonder, inspired by the wheeling of the stars to explain his surroundings. While our perception of those surroundings have changed, from thinking of the Earth as a flat, stable plane to realizing we’re falling through space in a tiny atmospheric bubble, our wonder remains constant.


Space stations, alien races, far-flung planets—join the Mischief Corner authors as they explore the possibilities the stars might offer. The catch? Returning to mundane old Earth might be harder than you think.

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Today we have author Freddy M guestposting with us as part of this blog tour :

Taking risks is difficult because you can never predict the outcome. It’s scary to think of failure as a possible result of your hard work and dedication to something you put your spirit into achieving. Some people can’t handle the uncertainty of risk, creating controlled, ordered worlds for themselves so they can have a peace of mind. Problem is those ordered worlds can come crashing down.


You can’t foresee what other people are going to do or how they will behave or how their choices will possibly affect you. One can choose how to respond and how much of an impact another person’s action will have, but that’s another topic.


In reality, risk is always present whether we want to acknowledge it or not. People who are willing to accept a little uncertainty in their lives are ones who often are the bigger risk takers. Not always–people are constant surprises–but often. A misconception about risks are that they are done without careful thought or consideration. Those happen too, but some of the greatest discoveries, works, art, ever made were a result of calculated risks.


Just because someone takes a risk doesn’t mean they discard all safety or jump in feet first. Risks mean you’re willing to take a chance, knowing you could land flat on your ass and you do it anyway because you think the benefit of what you’re doing outweighs any possible negatives, or that even if you failed, you had given your best shot anyway and could walk away without regrets.


Deciding to form a small publishing house with friends was a risk, and I am thankful for it every day. We’re small, don’t have much of voice in a world filled with shouts and ‘the next big thing’ marketing pitches. It can be frustrating because there are complications and issues that crop up that had never occurred to me to think about. It sometimes feels as though not having another publisher under my belt that I’ve lost the visibility a bigger name could give me. Maybe my sales would be different. I’d have a more diverse amount of resources. Other people would have to worry about formatting and covers and edits, not me.


Then I remember the amount of freedom I have, that I write because I need to write–it fills a part of me nothing else can–and revel in the satisfaction of putting out a finished product that my fingers when in at various stages of the creative process. I work with my best friends and am happy. I have gained so much more than I lost going a more traditional route, and one can never put a price on happiness.

Author Bio: Mischief Corner Books is an organization of superheroes… no, it’s a platinum-album techno-fusion group…no, hold on a sec here…

Ah, yes. Mischief Corner is a diverse group of authors who met on a mountain in Tennessee and decided since we probably were too easily distracted to rule the world that we’d settle for causing a bit of mayhem instead.

In addition to making mayhem, we are releasing books as a consortium. The books cover a diverse range of genres and topics… we live to break molds. Our books are available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, ARe and other outlets.

Buy Links: Mischief Corner Amazon Are Barnes and Nobles


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