20 Responses

  1. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    What a beautiful cover and prize. And for two of the most beautiful people.

  2. Crissy M
    Crissy M at |

    Amy…your memory of TJ & Eric made me tear up a little…I love the love and protective instinct TJ has for Eric…and vice versa…they are a truly beautiful couple

  3. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    I brought my copy Dreamspinners is such a wonderful publisher best wishes to T J and Eric.


  4. Solaria Saturn
    Solaria Saturn at |

    Grand Adventures It gonna be Good Let’s Go

  5. karihiga
    karihiga at |

    I just love this blog tour. Not only are we hearing stories about TJ and Eric, we are learning all about how one idea could lead to bigger things when we work together. Thank you ladies! ❤️❤️❤️

  6. Jules (Lovestoread)
    Jules (Lovestoread) at |

    Awesome interviews!!!!

  7. Elayne
    Elayne at |

    My favourite part of the blog tour is the reminiscences of people who have met these two wonderful men.

  8. LeeAnn Pratt
    LeeAnn Pratt at |

    I had noticed also that in almost every picture Tj is unconsciously, maybe not, surrounding Eric in a very loving and protective manor. Love these guys and so happy this is being done for them.

  9. Jen
    Jen at |

    Got my copy! Thanks to everyone who participated in putting this book together!!

  10. Lisa G
    Lisa G at |

    Love the T-shirt – bought the book! Can’t wait to read it. Thank you to all the wonderful authors that contributed to this as well as Dreamspinner Press. The love and support this community has for TJ & Eric is so amazing. So proud to be a small part of it.

  11. Antonia
    Antonia at |

    I’m really enjoying this blog tour. I teared up a bit reading these favorite memories. The love and support in this community is amazing to see.

  12. morganaceltic
    morganaceltic at |

    Thank you all for this present

  13. Aniko
    Aniko at |

    I finished the anthology last night and I thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful stories in it.

  14. Trix
    Trix at |

    I’m loving the book so far, and the tour is exceptionally entertaining!

  15. JenCW
    JenCW at |

    This tour is great. It so wonderful to see so many people involved and helping TJ & Eric any way they can.

  16. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Thank you for sharing your favorite memories of TJ and Eric with us. Amy’s memory made me tear up a bit. It’s wonderful to see so many people pull together for two great people.

  17. Jill Prand
    Jill Prand at |

    This is a grand tour!! I love hearing from all the authors!

  18. Ashavan Doyon
    Ashavan Doyon at |

    I love to see all this support for both of them. It makes me feel so good to see our community helping out.

  19. bn100
    bn100 at |

    Lovely memories

  20. Rush
    Rush at |

    Amy’s right when she says that a little bit of help is a great deal for those desperately need it. That is one of the great things about this community. It makes me proud to be a part of such an amazing group of people. Thanks for all you do and continue doing. Keep it up everyone!


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