3 Responses

  1. Susan
    Susan at |

    THAT’S what a book cover should look like! Holy hell, that is breathtaking! Simply glorious!
    Congratulations, Josh, on a cover and story that is sure to be a winner! 🙂

  2. BJ Williams
    BJ Williams at |

    I have it on Pre-order on Amazon U.K. Totally agree that the cover is excellent.
    I thoroughly enjoy Josh’s writing style & have never been disappointed in any of his books I’ve purchased.

  3. Antonella
    Antonella at |

    Thank you for the new excerpt. And I love the cover.

    BTW as soon as I saw it was up for pre-order I pre-ordered, and only later I remembered my Lent resolution (no new books)…

    I’m looking forward to it! Thank you in advance, dear Josh, and thank to the host here!


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