12 Responses

  1. Peaches
    Peaches at |

    I’ve had my eye on this for so long, Danielle, and your review cinched it for me. I just knew this one would be fabulous! High fives on the all-night read through. 🙂 Aren’t they the best!?

  2. Donna
    Donna at |

    Hey Peaches. I’m glad you liked the review. Reading all night long is always great until you have to drag your tired butt to work the next morning. But I’ll never give up 😉

    1. Peaches
      Peaches at |

      I know exactly what you mean! Sorry for calling you Danielle…I just saw her name up at the top. I was that excited about the review. ;D

      1. Donna
        Donna at |

        No worries. Dani and Sid have to do all the hard work. I get to just read the books and gush about them 🙂

  3. andrea
    andrea at |

    Thanks for another great review! Haven’t heard of this author, but I love the fact that this book is just ‘normal’ (as you pointed out)

    1. Donna
      Donna at |

      Thanks Andrea, I’m glad you liked it. This one was easy.

  4. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Fantastic review, I really want to read this right now. It’s not out to tomorrow though so I’ll just have to wait a little longer. You totally sold me with your review.

    1. Donna
      Donna at |

      Glad to hear I convinced you H.B.
      Not sure what time you posted this (completely different time zone) but the book is out now at DSP

  5. Donna
    Donna at |

    Thank you Dani 🙂

  6. elizabetta
    elizabetta at |

    Just added this to my tbr and then saw your great review, Donna. Good to know you enjoyed it. Thanks!

    1. Donna
      Donna at |

      Thank you. Hope you love the book too.


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