24 Responses

  1. Ashley E
    Ashley E at |

    Please tell me that staff meeting was as hilarious as it sounded. Please. XD

    1. L. A. Witt
      L. A. Witt at |

      It was absolutely as hilarious as it sounded. XD I don’t remember much of what was said — it’s been almost 15 years — but I just remember it being very…surreal.


  2. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    Wow, many and varied jobs there. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. Jill P
    Jill P at |

    Thank you – I needed a laugh today!!
    jasdarts at hotmail dot com

  4. Sarah
    Sarah at |

    I’m reminded of someone I knew when I was doing my masters…he was finishing off his PhD but had had many jobs, including working as a gravedigger…

  5. kp
    kp at |

    I’m sure all those jobs have given you enough material for many book!!!!

  6. Jennifer
    Jennifer at |

    Oh.My.God! I just snorted water out my nose reading this (and ouch it hurts)! Great post and I’m soooooooo looking forward to Static. Thanks for the giveaway!


  7. Trix
    Trix at |

    Did you ever see Cedric The Entertainer’s variety show on Fox? The last six or eight episodes never aired, but were released on the final disc of the DVD box set. I mention this because there’s a “staff sexual harrassment meeting” sketch on one that dovetails perfectly with item #6 (not to be too much of a spoiler in the sketch’s plot twist)…

    1. Trix
      Trix at |

      And I typoed my e-mail there, so here’s the right one: vitajex(at)aol(Dot)com

  8. Allison
    Allison at |

    I’ve worked a lot of jobs following my husband around the country but honestly none of them were nearly as interesting as even one of yours. I love the idea behind the book, looking forward to reading it. Thank you for the giveaway.

  9. Jen
    Jen at |

    All those diverse jobs must provide great fodder for stories. Thanks for the fun post and the giveaway.

    jen.f {at} mac {dot} com

  10. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    It’s amazing the different jobs you have had and at least you’ve had some exciting moments!!! Please count me in for the Giveaway, it’s sound like a really interesting book.


  11. Beth B.
    Beth B. at |

    Seriously a sexual harassment training class – boy wouldn’t i like to be a fly on the wall …. i am just wondering how different that must be from the class we get at my company. Thanks for the opportunity to win; I really enjoy your writing!!
    bethbellanca at gmail dot com

  12. Desina
    Desina at |

    I used to work for a major ISP (no longer in existence) and the staff sexual harassment training was pretty darn funny.

    “Two-thirds of our revenue comes from porn. If you have a problem with this fact, you may not fit in here. You will not be required to see adult content if you do not want to.”

    “If you do not wish to see adult content, please do not walk through the art department.”

    “If you walk through the art department and see adult content, they are probably working, not goofing off. Please do not report them to HR unless you are certain there is an issue. It gets old.”

    My husband, who works for a company that does similar kinds of stuff, says that they lose about half the possible hires because SOs or spouses object to even having any potential exposure to porn. Depressing.

    Oh, and as someone with the photography bug, I was wondering if you had done some photo work. I don’t see how anyone can do wedding photography.

    desina.alani {at} me {dot} com

  13. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    mmmmm….PNR M/M…best of both worlds!
    omg…don’t think I could ever admit to being a porn editor lol (seriously snorted my coffee everywhere at that one!!)
    thanks for the giveaway 🙂

    leetee2007 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  14. HJ
    HJ at |

    If you had to design a training programme for an author it should look something like this! I’m no longer quite so surprised at your amazing variety of ideas. Since I prefer books without fantasy / paranormal / sci-fi I could wish you’d one fewer technical jobs, but there we are! I’m also impressed by your determination to find work wherever you went, but as a reader I’m glad it wasn’t possible at Okinawa.

    1. L. A. Witt
      L. A. Witt at |

      “…but as a reader I’m glad it wasn’t possible at Okinawa.”

      I’m thankful for that EVERY day. 😉


  15. Gigi
    Gigi at |

    Wow! That’s quite a resume!!!

  16. Andrea
    Andrea at |

    Thanks Sid Love for the host!
    And Thanks L.A. for the post and giveaway.

    I’m not new to M/M but I’m finding more and more M/M authors I haven’t read!
    Are all your books stand alone? or series?
    Which one should I start w/?
    Thank you,

    1. L. A. Witt
      L. A. Witt at |

      I have some standalones and some series 🙂 Personal favorites? Static (no, really, it’s been my fave for a while), Where There’s Smoke, or Conduct Unbecoming. 🙂

      L.A. Witt

  17. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Very interesting list of jobs. Not something everyone could have done. It’s cool that your husband wanted to see you succeed but at the same time was trying to keep your feet on the ground just in case things didn’t work out the way you expected. Thank god it did though =)

    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  18. Lisa G
    Lisa G at |

    Wow – what an eclectic job history! So cool when you can bring some of your knowledge to your books. Thanks for the interesting interview and giveaway.

  19. BlackAsphodel
    BlackAsphodel at |

    Porn Editor is my favorite from the list. :p

  20. Kelly
    Kelly at |

    My friend did my wedding photos and then it seemed she didn’t want to do photos for anyone else. Are they really that hard? I gave her a lot of freedom and she did a great job.
    Thanks for sharing your jobs! Variety is the spice of life eh?


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